12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (2024)

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (1)

Key points

  • FUL® sparkling spirulina drinks are one of the best vegan beverage options on the market. These nutrient-rich hydrating drinks provide all the benefits of spirulina in one bottle, and spirulina is the most recommended supplement to include in a vegan diet. They are full of antioxidants, electrolytes, essential vitamins, and minerals and bring lots of benefits to your health.
  • Other popular vegan beverage options include detox green smoothies and juices. Smoothies are a little more nourishing than juices. You can include any fruits and vegetables you prefer when making these drinks, as all of them are packed with nutrients. However, it’s best to choose fruits and veggies that are in season.
  • If you’re looking for sweet vegan drinks, try making a vegan chocolate shake, pink drink, or pumpkin spice latte. If you want something with a stronger flavour, try vegan peppermint chocolate.
  • For light summer drinks, try to experiment with different types of lemonade and iced tea, such as strawberry lemonade, whipped frozen lemonade, strawberry peach tea, and watermelon basil cooler.

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (2)

When it comes to beverages, a vegan diet doesn’t have to consist only of water, tea, coffee, and juices - there are a lot of creative and delicious drinks you can easily make at home. In this article, we will share 12 refreshing, calming, and even energy-boosting vegan drinks you can enjoy all year round.

FUL® Sparkling Spirulina Drinks

You may know that spirulina is one of the most commonly recommended dietary supplements for people following a vegan diet, but the main issue with this supplement is its unpleasant taste. Many people go out of their way to mix spirulina together with various strongly flavoured foods and beverages to hide its smell and taste, but this can be very time-consuming.

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (3)

If you also want to enjoy the benefits of spirulina without spending your free time trying to consume its taste, we suggest opting for bottled FUL® sparkling spirulina drinks. These are all-natural vegan drinks packed without flavourless spirulina extract that don’t contain any artificial additives. Besides hydrating and refreshing you, these beverages will provide your body with a healthy boost of necessary vitamins and minerals from spirulina extract. These beverages are also loaded with electrolytes and antioxidants, which makes them great for natural detoxing. FUL® sparkling spirulina drinks are available in different flavours, but they don’t contain any added sugars, artificial flavourings, or animal products, which makes them the best vegan-friendly soda alternative.

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (4)

Detox Green Juice

If you’re bored of drinking traditional plain juices and want a healthy, nutrient-rich drink, try this green detox juice. All you need are apples, lemon, spinach, and pineapple, but feel free to include any other fruits or greens you like! Start by washing all ingredients, peeling, and chopping the fruits. Juice them, strain the left-overs, and you have a fresh and light detox green juice to fire up your day.

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (5)

Detox Smoothie

If you’re in the mood for a detox drink but want something more nourishing than juice, try this detox smoothie recipe. Blend chopped pineapple, cucumber, lemon, and water. Add some dates, maple syrup, stevia, sugar, molasses, or agave syrup to sweeten up the drink. You can change the ingredients or swap them out for other options since all fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants. You can also try using coconut water instead of water. Tart pineapple is the key ingredient that makes this smoothie light and refreshing, but you can also double the nutrient content of this beverage if you use orange juice instead of water.

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (6)

Vegan Chocolate Shake

Instead of making regular cocoa with water, try this creamy chocolate shake. It’s sugar-free and made with rice milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, dates, and cinnamon. To make the drink more creamy, add some frozen bananas or use room-temperature fruit. Blend all ingredients together, pour it into a glass, and top the drink with soy whipped cream, chocolate syrup, or any other toppings you prefer. You can also switch out dates for another sweetener or add other fruits, spices, and seeds.

Vegan Peppermint Chocolate

This 4-ingredient chocolate is another creamy and delicious drink you can enjoy. Warm up some non-dairy milk in a saucepan just enough so it can melt chocolate, add some dark chocolate and sugar to the milk, and keep whisking the mixture until it melts together. Taste the mixture and if the drink is not sweet enough for you, add some more sugar. Then remove the pan from the heat and add a little peppermint extract to it. Peppermint extract can be very strong, so you don’t want to overdo it. Pour the beverage into glasses and top them with coconut whipped cream. You can also sprinkle crushed peppermint or spices on top.

Whipped Frozen Lemonade

This whipped frozen lemonade creates a light and refreshing summer drink. To make the syrup, mix sugar and water over medium heat, occasionally stirring the mixture until the sugar is dissolved. Add the zest of one lemon, remove the syrup from the heat, and let it steep. To make the lemonade, strain the syrup and blend it with lemon juice, coconut milk, and some ice cubes. Keep blending until the ice is crushed. You can also keep the syrup in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (7)

Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte

Coffee lovers will enjoy this perfect blend of creamy and aromatic latte with pumpkin and spices. This recipe also gives you a great way to experiment with your coffee and tease your taste buds. First, make a syrup by combining water, pumpkin spices, and some pumpkin puree. You can also add extra cinnamon to the mix to make the drink more flavourful. Put all ingredients into a saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Simmer the beverage for 10 minutes after it comes to a boil, remove it from heat, and let it cool down a little. Thoroughly strain the mixture. To make a late, pour a shot of espresso into a cup or glass, add some pumpkin spice syrup you’ve just prepared, and pour frothed plant milk on top.

Vegan Chai Latte

For this chai latte recipe, you’ll need tea bags filled with black tea, some cashew milk or any other plant milk you like, and lots of spices, including cinnamon, cardamom pods, whole cloves, star anise, freshly minced ginger, and black peppercorns. Put some tea bags into a pot filled with water, add the spices to taste, and bring the water to a boil. Then simmer for 20 minutes on low heat, remove the tea bags, and simmer for 20 extra minutes. Strain the drink. If you want to consume this beverage hot, let it cool down just a little bit, and add cashew milk. Use your favourite sweeteners, such as maple syrup or coconut sugar, to adjust the taste to your liking, and enjoy an easy and delicious chai latte.

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (8)

Strawberry Lemonade

Another lemonade idea you should definitely try this summer is this healthy and colourful strawberry lemonade. Start by washing some fresh strawberries and pulsing them in a blender for a few seconds. Once you have the puree ready, add some water, lemon juice, and rose water, stir the mixture together, pour it into a glass, and add ice cubes. For a more refreshing taste, add a few mint leaves as a garnish. You can also sweeten the drink with cane sugar or any other sweetener you prefer.

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (9)

Pink Drink

For this Starbucks-inspired vegan pink drink, you’ll need a hibiscus tea bag, some maple syrup, strawberries, orange juice, and coconut milk. Bring a pot of water to a simmer, and pour it over the tea bag. Add maple syrup to the mixture, stir until it dissolves, and add some fresh chopped strawberries. Let the beverage steep for 10 to 20 minutes. Once it’s done steeping, take out the tea bag, add some orange juice and coconut milk, and stir the drink. Add some ice cubes and garnish with sliced strawberries right before serving.

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (10)

Strawberry Peach Tea

You can also try this easy and refreshing tea recipe with peaches and strawberries, which is perfect for a warm summer day or evening. Wash and cut up some fresh peaches and strawberries into chunks, combine the fruits with sugar and water, bring to a boil, and simmer until the sugar dissolves. Cook for an extra few minutes until the peaches soften up, and remove the mixture from heat. Let it cool, and then strain out the fruits. Brew some black or green tea and combine the mixture with syrup. If necessary, add some more sweetener to the beverage. If you want to go with iced tea, put the tea in the refrigerator before adding the syrup to it.

Watermelon Basil Cooler

Watermelon is an excellent choice for hydration, but you can also experiment and make a watermelon basil cooler. First, chop up some watermelon into chunks, get rid of the seeds, and blend the fruit into a smooth mixture. Add a few leaves of basil and mint for a more refreshing taste. Feel free to mix in more herbs if you want. Finally, pour the mixture into a glass, add a few ice cubes, and you have a perfect drink for hot summer days.

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (11)


What can I drink on a plant-based diet?

There are a lot of drinks you can enjoy when following a vegan diet. Besides water, black coffee, and tea, you can have different types of plant-based milk, fruits and vegetable juices, smoothies, and healthy fizzy drinks like FUL® sparkling spirulina beverages.

Do vegans drink sodas?

While Coca-Cola is okay to drink for vegans, it’s generally recommended to avoid it and replace it with healthier alternatives such as FUL® sparkling spirulina drinks. This is because co*ke is packed with harmful chemicals, and scientists have actually found a link between Coca-Cola and illnesses like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Do vegans drink coffee?

Yes, you can still enjoy your favourite coffee beverages when following a vegan diet. Simply switch out dairy milk or creamer for a plant-based version.

What drinks can vegans not drink?

Vegans cannot consume beverages that contain animal products. Some of the ingredients that are not vegan-friendly are fairly obvious. These are milk, cream, wheat, casein, eggs, etc. However, vegans should also avoid beverages made with honey, carmine and cochineal (pigments made from crushed up insects), isinglass, gelatin, and chitin.

What kind of water do vegans drink?

Vegans can safely consume all kinds of water, including still, sparkling, filtered, spring, distilled, and mineral waters. Clean water doesn’t contain any animal products, so it’s safe for vegans to drink. However, you should be more careful with water that contains sweeteners, flavouring, or other additives.

12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try (2024)


12 Best Vegan Beverages To Try? ›

Besides water, black coffee, and tea, you can have different types of plant-based milk, fruits and vegetable juices, smoothies, and healthy fizzy drinks like FUL® sparkling spirulina beverages.

What popular drinks are vegan? ›

Great Options for Vegan Drinks
  • All sodas that are products of the Coca Cola brand, including co*ke, Barq's Root Beer and Sprite.
  • Regular Pepsi.
  • Almond Breeze - non-dairy milk and a great beverage among the vegan protein drinks.
  • Redbull - a great beverage among the vegan energy drinks category.
Nov 23, 2020

What to drink if you're vegan? ›

Besides water, black coffee, and tea, you can have different types of plant-based milk, fruits and vegetable juices, smoothies, and healthy fizzy drinks like FUL® sparkling spirulina beverages.

What beverages can you drink on a plant-based diet? ›

Most fizzy drinks are vegan-friendly, such as coca-cola and sprite. They're mainly made of carbonated water, sweeteners and artificial flavourings. Although, there are healthier alternatives, such as Karma Cola that's made of organic and real ingredients.

What do vegans drink in the morning? ›

There are plenty of healthy vegan coffee swaps. Try vegan turmeric lattes, healthy hot chocolate, dandelion root tea, matcha, or warm lemon water. Smoothies are also a great way to kickstart the day as a coffee alternative that serves as meal, too!

Why is diet co*ke not vegan? ›

Yes, Diet-co*ke is a vegan-friendly drink as it does not contain any animal derivatives in its ingredients or manufacturing process.

Why is Jack Daniel's not vegan? ›

"Unfortunately, Jack Daniel's and its expressions are not vegan friendly due to the filtration process." "Unfortunately, Jack Daniel's Tennessee Apple isn't suitable for vegans. There are some processing steps involved and sugar used that means the product isn't vegan."

What does 100% vegan eat? ›

A vegan diet is based on plants (such as vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits) and foods made from plants. Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs.

What alcohol do vegans eat? ›

Fortunately for all you G&T lovers, nearly every type of spirit and liqueur — vodka, gin, whisky, rum etc — is vegan! This comes down to the production process. Spirits are distilled by taking a grain or sugar and fermenting it to make alcohol.

How to go vegan without dying? ›

Our Guidelines For Eating A Plant-Based Diet
  1. Eat plenty of nutrient-dense vegetables at every meal.
  2. Eat a wide variety of organic, unprocessed foods.
  3. Eat protein with every meal.
  4. If you choose to eat grains, pick minimally processed grains like quinoa, amaranth, and oats.
Mar 2, 2014

What is an example of plant-based beverages? ›

Common types of plant-based beverages include: soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk, cashew milk, flax milk, rice milk, and oat milk. Cornucopia's Plant-Based Beverage Report and Scorecard give consumers more information about these beverages.

Can I have co*ke Zero on plant based diet? ›

Products that are suitable for vegans: co*ke Classic, co*ke Vanilla, Diet co*ke, co*ke Zero, co*ke No Sugar, Fanta Orange, Fanta Jelly Fizz, Sprite, Powerade, Powerade Zero, Lift, Appletiser & Grapetiser, co*ke Raspberry, Fanta Passionfruit Cream. The BARISTA BROS flavoured milk range does contain dairy ingredients.

Which sodas are vegan? ›

Some of the classic Coca-Cola sodas that are classified as vegan include:
  • co*ke.
  • Diet co*ke.
  • co*ke Zero.
  • Sprite.
  • Fanta (all flavors)
  • Dr. Pepper.

What are some vegan drinks? ›

Vegan drinks are tasty, healthy and packed with nutrients. Here are five easy-to-make vegan drinks that you can relish without counting calories.
  • Apple cinnamon shake(istockphoto)
  • Hot matcha latte(Unsplash)
  • Strawberry rose and oats lassi(istockphoto)
  • Coconut caramel latte(istockphoto)
Sep 13, 2023

What is the best vegan food before bed? ›

Vegan cheese can be made from nuts, seeds, or coconut oil.
  • Vegan Cheese and Crackers. Combining carbohydrates and protein helps you feel full, which is why vegan cheese and crackers is a great choice for a pre-bedtime snack. ...
  • Popcorn. ...
  • Nut Butter on Toast. ...
  • Banana. ...
  • Kiwi. ...
  • Almonds and Walnuts. ...
  • Tart Cherry Juice. ...
  • Chamomile Tea.

Is Coca-Cola vegan? ›

Coca‑Cola does not contain any ingredients derived from animal sources and can be included in a vegetarian or vegan diet.

What do vegans eat drink? ›

A vegan diet is based on plants (such as vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits) and foods made from plants. Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs.

What alcohol is always vegan? ›

Distilled spirits like gin, whisky and vodka are usually vegan, according to the Vegan Society. They also recommend a website called barnivore.com which has a directory of products that have been checked with manufacturers.

What do vegans drink instead of milk? ›

Vegan Diet: Non-dairy milk alternatives
  • Almond milk. Almond milk contains higher unsaturated fats and less saturated fat when compared to cow's milk. ...
  • Soy milk. ...
  • Coconut milk. ...
  • Oat milk. ...
  • Hemp milk. ...
  • Cashew milk.
Nov 3, 2022


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