38 Cinder Block Ideas for Garden | How to Use Cinder Blocks in the Garden (2024)

From sturdy planters to DIY compost bins, these Cinder Block Ideas for Garden will fulfill all your landscaping needs!

If you have spare concrete blocks at your disposal, use these creative Cinder Block Ideas for Garden to add an instant appeal outdoors.

Find out some creative DIY concrete projects here

Cinder Block Ideas for Garden

1. Cinder Block Potting Station

Here’s the tutorial to build a sturdy potting station using lumber and cinder blocks.

2. DIY Cinder Block Vertical Planter

Learn how to make a vertical planter tower using concrete blocks and metal sheets in this detailed project.

3. Raised Garden Bed

If you have a tight budget but still want to make a raised garden bed, this article is for you.

4. DIY Cinder Block Rustic Bench

Made from cinder blocks, timber, and construction adhesive, this bench adds functionality and rustic charm to outdoor space.

5. Cinder Block Plant Shelves

Are you looking for an easy-to-construct outdoor plant shelf to display your favorite planters? This is the perfect project for you.

6. Concrete Block Firewood Rack DIY

This firewood rack is stable, strong, easily movable, and cheap. The best part is no tools are needed for this project.

7. Concrete Block Succulent Planter

Building a concrete block planter is fun and a project that can be completed in an afternoon.

8. Cinder Block Solitary Bee Hotel

Welcome bees to your garden by making this solitary bees hotel using concrete blocks. Hop to this tutorial to learn more.

9. Outdoor Bar + Planter for Less Than $100

Transform your backyard into a go-to summer party spot with this outdoor bar that doubles up as a planter. Read more here.

10. DIY Succulent Outdoor Bench

All you need are some cinder blocks and pine boards to make a bench featuring succulent planters.

11. Stenciled Cinder Block Planters

Add some pizzazz to your outdoor area with these stenciled concrete block planters. The details are here.

12. Cinder Block Fire Pit

Make your own cinder blocks fire pit with this simple idea and enjoy night outs with your loved ones.

13. DIY Painted Concrete Block Planter

Prettify your garden table with this chic and thrifty cinder block planter. Get the instructions here.

14. Concrete Blocks Garden Fence

Take your cinder blocks decor game to the next level by making this garden fence. Read more here.

15. Totem Garden Sculpture

To create some interest in your dull landscaping area, make this eye-catching cinder blocks totem sculpture in your garden.

16. DIY Cinder Block Veggie Garden

Instead of using regular terracotta pots, use cinder blocks as veggies planters with the help of this tutorial.

17. Concrete Block Birdhouse

Convert a single concrete block into a cool and sturdy birdhouse with wood and acrylic plastic sheet for bringing the chirping wildlife to your yard.

18. DIY Cinderblock Raised Garden Bed and Fountain

Watch this video to make raised garden with a fountain that’ll surely attract a lot of eyeballs.

19. Concrete Block Water Fountain/Fire Feature!

Learn how to make an attention-grabbing outdoor water fountain fire feature combo with cinder blocks, concrete, and glue.

20. Cinder Block Retaining Wall & Bench Seat

Find out the easiest way to construct a retaining wall from decorative split face cinder blocks in this video. It’s one of the best cinder block ideas for garden.

21. Upcycled Mosaic Cinder Block Planter

This trendy recycled cinder block planter is made from mosaic with an olive branch pattern. Read more here.

22. Cinder Block Planter and Bench

If you want inexpensive benches for the patio, garden, or porch, check out this article that uses cinder blocks and lumber.

Have a look at the list of DIY patio furniture ideas here

23. Grassy Table Centerpiece with Cinder Blocks

Grow grass or your favorite flowering plant in cinder blocks and use them as attractive centerpieces to beautify your bland garden table.

24. Outdoor Bar from Concrete Blocks

Adorned with ornamental plants, this cinder block outdoor bar is a great way to enjoy a good time with your friends in the vicinity of nature. Read more here.

25. Under $100 Cinder Block Pond

With a $100 budget, you can easily create an above-the-ground pound in your garden without mortar, cement, and glue/silicone.

26. Landscaping steps with pavers and Cinder Blocks

Take a look at this YouTube tutorial to build garden steps using pavers and cinder blocks.

27. Backyard Candle Holder

Give your backyard a captivating look by creating this concrete blocks candle holder. Place some little pumpkins all over it to get a glowing fall display.

28. DIY Cinder Block Compost Bin

Simply arrange the blocks on top of each other, cover the structure with chicken wire, and your compost bin is ready.

29. Kindling Dryer

Here is an awesome kindling dryer DIY that’ll help you dry out your firewood inexpensively. It’s super easy to prepare.

30. Firepit Sitting Area DIY

Build a nice comfortable sitting area around the garden firepit using wooden boards and cinder blocks.

31. Concrete Block Wall

Create a sense of privacy and security in your backyard by making a wall with cinderblocks, mortar, and 2×4 boards.

32. Concrete Block Greenhouse Foundation

Are you planning to add a greenhouse to your property? Use concrete blocks to create a level and sturdy foundation for the greenhouse to sit on.

33. A Cinder Block Garden

No special tools are required for this project; youonly need cinder blocks, plants, and potting soil.

34. Cinder Block Garden Edging

Use painted concrete blocks to separate your landscape from the grass area or driveway.

35. Simple Garden Table

Make a rectangular structure using mortared concrete blocks and put plywood on its top to complete the simple garden table project.

36. Cinder Block Planter Wall

Build this planter wall using concrete blocks, potting soil, succulents, and charcoal paint to spruce up your garden fence.

37. DIY Concrete Block Keyhole Garden

If you want to set up a block keyhole garden using concrete blocks? Check out this article.

38. Cinder Block Mini Grill

Use a concrete block as a grill in your yard and enjoy the greenery while eating your favorite grilled food. It’s compact and super affordable.

Here are some stunning DIY monogram planter ideas

38 Cinder Block Ideas for Garden | How to Use Cinder Blocks in the Garden (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.