Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe - … pollen and pollen... · Review article Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe Pollen allergy has a remarkable clinical - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe - … pollen and pollen...· Review article Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe Pollen allergy has a remarkable clinical


Review article Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe Pollen allergy has a remarkable clinical impact all over Europe, and there is a body of evidence suggesting that the prevalence of respiratory allergic reactions induced by pollens in Europe has been on the increase in the past decades (1–6). However, recent findings of the phase three of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children (ISAAC) study showed the absence of increases or little changes in prevalence of asthma symptoms, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema for European centres with the existing high prevalence among the older children (7). The prevalence of pollen allergy is presently estimated to be up 40%. Exposure to allergens represents a key factor among the environmental determinants of asthma, which include air pollution (8). Since airborne-induced respirat- ory allergy does not recognize national frontiers, the study of pollinosis cannot be limited to national boundaries, as obviously happens with most diseases that can be preven- ted by avoiding exposure to the causative agent. In Europe, the main pollination period covers about half the year, from spring to autumn, and the distribution of airborne pollen taxa of allergological interest is related to five vegetational areas (Table 1). The allergenic content of the atmosphere varies according to climate, geography and vegetation. Data on the presence and prevalence of allergenic airborne pollens, obtained from both aerobiological studies and allergological investiga- tions, make it possible to design pollen calendars with the approximate flowering period of the plants in the sampling area. In this way, even though pollen production and dispersal from year to year depend on the patterns of preseason weather and on the conditions prevailing at the time of anthesis, it is usually possible to forecast the chances of encountering high atmospheric allergenic pollen concentrations in different areas.Aerobiological and allergological studies show that the pollen map of Europe is changing also as a result of cultural factors (for example, importation of plants such as birch and cypress for urban parklands), greater international travel (e.g. colonization by ragweed in France, northern Italy, Austria, Hungary etc.) and climate change. In this regard, the higher frequency of weather extremes, like thunderstorms, and increasing epi- sodes of long range transport of allergenic pollen represent new challenges for researchers. Furthermore, in the last few years, experimental data on pollen and subpollen-particles structure, the pathogenetic role of pollen and the interaction between pollen and air pollutants, gave new insights into the mechanisms of respiratory allergic diseases. G. D'Amato 1,* , L. Cecchi 2,3,* , S. Bonini 4,5,** , C. Nunes 6,* , I. Annesi-Maesano 7,8 , H. Behrendt 9,** , G. Liccardi 1,* , T. Popov 10,** , P. van Cauwenberge 11,** 1 Division of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases, Department of Chest Diseases, High Speciality Hospital ''A.Cardarelli'' Napoli; 2 Interdepartmental Centre of Bioclimatology, University of Florence, Florence; 3 Allergy Clinic, Azienda Sanitaria 10 Firenze, Florence; 4 Second University of Naples, Naples; 5 Institute of Neurobiology and Molecular Medicine National Research Council, ARTOV, Rome, Italy; 6 Centro de Imunoalerlogia do Algarve, Portimao, Portugal; 7 INSERM, UMR S 707: EPAR, Paris, France; 8 UniversitȖ Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6, UMR S 707: EPAR, Paris, France; 9 Division of Environmental Dermatology and Allergy GSF/ TUM, Technical University, Munich, Germany; 10 Clinical Centre of Allergology, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria; 11 Department of Oto-Rhino- Laryngology, University Hospital Gent, Belgium Key words: allergenic pollens; allergic asthma; allergic rhinitis; bronchial asthma; outdoor air-pollution; pollinosis; respiratory allergy; seasonal allergy. Prof. G. D'Amato Division of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Department of Chest Diseases High Speciality Hospital ''A.Cardarelli'' Napoli Italy *EAACI Interest Group on 'Aerobiology and Air pollution'. **The GA 2 LEN project Accepted for publication 25 March 2007 Allergy 2007 DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2007.01393.x Ó 2007 The Authors Journal compilation Ó 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2007.01393.x

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Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe - … pollen and pollen...· Review article Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe Pollen allergy has a remarkable clinical - [PDF Document] (3)

Review article

Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe

Pollen allergy has a remarkable clinical impact all overEurope, and there is a body of evidence suggesting that theprevalence of respiratory allergic reactions induced bypollens in Europe has been on the increase in the pastdecades (1–6). However, recent findings of the phase threeof the International Study of Asthma and Allergies inChildren (ISAAC) study showed the absence of increasesor little changes in prevalence of asthma symptoms, allergicrhinoconjunctivitis and eczema for European centres withthe existing high prevalence among the older children (7).The prevalence of pollen allergy is presently estimated to be

up 40%. Exposure to allergens represents a key factoramong the environmental determinants of asthma, whichinclude air pollution (8). Since airborne-induced respirat-ory allergy does not recognize national frontiers, the studyof pollinosis cannot be limited to national boundaries, asobviously happens with most diseases that can be preven-ted by avoiding exposure to the causative agent. In Europe,the main pollination period covers about half the year,from spring to autumn, and the distribution of airbornepollen taxa of allergological interest is related to fivevegetational areas (Table 1).

The allergenic content of the atmosphere varies according to climate, geographyand vegetation. Data on the presence and prevalence of allergenic airbornepollens, obtained from both aerobiological studies and allergological investiga-tions, make it possible to design pollen calendars with the approximate floweringperiod of the plants in the sampling area. In this way, even though pollenproduction and dispersal from year to year depend on the patterns of preseasonweather and on the conditions prevailing at the time of anthesis, it is usuallypossible to forecast the chances of encountering high atmospheric allergenicpollen concentrations in different areas.Aerobiological and allergological studiesshow that the pollen map of Europe is changing also as a result of culturalfactors (for example, importation of plants such as birch and cypress for urbanparklands), greater international travel (e.g. colonization by ragweed in France,northern Italy, Austria, Hungary etc.) and climate change. In this regard, thehigher frequency of weather extremes, like thunderstorms, and increasing epi-sodes of long range transport of allergenic pollen represent new challenges forresearchers. Furthermore, in the last few years, experimental data on pollen andsubpollen-particles structure, the pathogenetic role of pollen and the interactionbetween pollen and air pollutants, gave new insights into the mechanisms ofrespiratory allergic diseases.

G. D'Amato1,*, L. Cecchi2,3,*,S. Bonini4,5,**, C. Nunes6,*,I. Annesi-Maesano7,8, H. Behrendt9,**,G. Liccardi1,*, T. Popov10,**,P. van Cauwenberge11,**

1Division of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases,Department of Chest Diseases, High SpecialityHospital ''A.Cardarelli'' Napoli; 2InterdepartmentalCentre of Bioclimatology, University of Florence,Florence; 3Allergy Clinic, Azienda Sanitaria 10Firenze, Florence; 4Second University of Naples,Naples; 5Institute of Neurobiology and MolecularMedicine National Research Council, ARTOV, Rome,Italy; 6Centro de Imunoalerlogia do Algarve,Portimao, Portugal; 7INSERM, UMR S 707: EPAR,Paris, France; 8Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie –Paris 6, UMR S 707: EPAR, Paris, France; 9Divisionof Environmental Dermatology and Allergy GSF/TUM, Technical University, Munich, Germany;10Clinical Centre of Allergology, Medical University,Sofia, Bulgaria; 11Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, University Hospital Gent, Belgium

Key words: allergenic pollens; allergic asthma; allergicrhinitis; bronchial asthma; outdoor air-pollution;pollinosis; respiratory allergy; seasonal allergy.

Prof. G. D'AmatoDivision of Respiratory and Allergic DiseasesDepartment of Chest DiseasesHigh Speciality Hospital ''A.Cardarelli''NapoliItaly

*EAACI Interest Group on 'Aerobiology and Airpollution'.**The GA2LEN project

Accepted for publication 25 March 2007

Allergy 2007 DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2007.01393.x � 2007 The AuthorsJournal compilation � 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard

DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2007.01393.x

Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe - … pollen and pollen...· Review article Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe Pollen allergy has a remarkable clinical - [PDF Document] (4)

Up to date on allergenic pollen in Europe


Grass pollen is the major cause of pollinosis in manyparts of the world (9). Although its frequency differsregionally, grass-induced pollinosis is the most commonpollen allergy also in Europe. Up to 95% of patientsallergic to grass pollen possess IgE specific for group 1allergens and 80% for group 5 allergens, the two groupsthat constitute the major grass-pollen allergens (10).The antigens of grass pollen, like those of the other

allergenic pollen grains, are rapidly released when aller-gen- carrying pollen comes into contact with the oral,nasal, or eye mucosa, thereby inducing the appearance ofhay-fever symptoms in sensitized patients. As a conse-quence, the concentration of airborne grass pollen influ-ences the degree of symptoms in pollinosis patients.In London (UK), the lowest atmospheric concentrationof grass pollen able to induce the apparance of hay-feversymptoms was shown to be 10–50 grains/m3 (11).In Cardiff (Wales), 10% of pollinosis patients experi-

enced symptoms in the presence of 10 grass-pollen grains/m3, and again in London a concentration of more than50 grains/m3 induced symptoms in all pollinosis patients(12). In Bilbao (Spain), 100% of pollinosis patientsexperienced symptoms when the pollen count was above37 grass-pollen grains/m3 (13). In Turku (Finland), acount of less than 30 grass-pollen grains/m3 was signifi-cantly correlated with nasal symptoms at the start of thegrass-pollen season (14).The grass family (Gramineae) comprises more than 600

genera and over 10 000 species, of which more than 400herbaceous, wind-pollinated plants are found in Europe(15). The most abundant airborne grass pollen originatesfrom tall meadow grasses such as timothy (Phleumpratense), orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata), or meadowfoxtail (Alopecurus pratensis). Cultivated rye (Secalecereale), which has remarkably high pollen production,is another potent source of allergens (16). However, withvery few exceptions, all grass- pollen types show a veryhigh degree of cross reactivity (17, 18).In northern, central and eastern Europe the main grass

flowering period starts at the beginning of May andfinishes at the end of July. In the Mediterranean area,flowering usually starts and ends 1 month earlier (19).Pollination occurs about 2–3 weeks earlier at sea levelthan in mountainous regions. As mentioned above, pollen

season tends to vary from year to year because offluctations in climatic factors, but maximum atmospericconcentration of grass pollen usually occurs 1–2 monthsafter the start of the main flowering season. On the whole,in Europe, grass flowering notoriously peaks in June.

Notwithstanding a decreased annual total grass-pollencount, probably because changes in agricultural prac-tices and land use have led to a reduction in grasslands,the frequency of allergic sensitization to grass pollendoes not seem to be decreasing (20).Grass allergens inducemostly nasal and conjunctival symptoms. Djukanovicet al. (21) provided evidence that natural exposure tograss pollen may exacerbate asthma, and, so, induce aninflammatory response involving T cells, mast cells andeosinophils.


The most allergenic tree pollen is produced by birch(Betula) in north, central, and eastern Europe, and byOlive (Olea europaea) as also cypress (Cupressus) in theMediterranen regions.

fa*gales. As in the grass family, there are high levels ofallergenic cross-reactivity between the representativeplants of the genera of the order fa*gales (22). This ordercomprises three families: Betulaceae, including the generaBetula (birch) and Alnus (alder); Corylaceae, includingthe genera Corylus (hazel), Carpinus (hornbeam), andOstrya (hopbeam); fa*gaceae, including the generaQuercus (oak), fa*gus (beech), and Castanea (sweetchestnut).

Birch is the major pollen-allergen-producing tree innorthern Europe (23). In western Europe, the mainflowering period usually starts at the end of March, andin central and eastern Europe, from the beginning to mid-April. Going northward, the flowering season starts,depending on the latitude, from late April to late May(northern Europe) (19, 24). Pollen values peak 1–3 weeksafter the start of the season. The duration of the mainseason is remarkably dependent on temperature and thusvaries from 2 to as much as 8 weeks. Far shorter orlonger periods, with yearly alternating low and highpollen production, has been observed in various Euro-pean regions (25).

The Corylaceae trees, hazel and alder, are the first(December–April) to shed pollen in the outdoor air inEurope, followed by birch, hornbeam and hop hornbeam.As a consequence of this early pollination and ofallergenic cross-reactivity, hazel and alder can act asprimers of allergic sensitization to betulaceae pollenallergens, so that clinical symptoms become more markedduring the birch-pollen season.

Similarly, the onset of the oak season in spring, shortlybefore the beech-pollen season, which is usually quitemild, can prolong the birch season in western, central,and eastern Europe. Sweet-chestnut pollen appear in June

Table 1. Vegetational areas and prevalent distribution of allergenic plants inEurope

Arctic: birchCentral: deciduous forest, birch, grassesEastern: grasses, mugwort, ragweedMountains: grasses (with a pollination season delayed

by three-four weeks in comparison with areas at sea level).Mediterranean: Parietaria, olive trees, grasses and also cypress.

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and July in western and central Europe in the mountain-ous areas of southern Europe. In the central Alpineregions, the highest concentrations of Alnus viridis pollenare found at the end of May and in early June (19, 24).Birch, followed by alder and hazel, has the greatest

allergenic potency in this group of allergenic trees.In Europe, the percentage of subjects with a positivityskin prick test to birch allergens range from 5% in TheNetherlands to 54% in Zurich (Switzerland). In recentyears, the popularity of Betula as ornamental plantloved by architects, particularly in northern Italy, hascaused a significant increase in allergic sensitization tothis allergen (26–28). In a large study of cross-sensiti-zation between allergenic plants in adult patients withasthma or rhinitis, Eriksson and Holmen (15) foundthat sensitization to birch pollen allergens was fre-quently associated with other allergens, that it inducedmostly nasal symptoms, and that respiratory symptomsstarted at about 30 years of age. The Eriksson andHolmen study did not confirm the report by Bjorkstenet al. (29) of a correlation between the birth during themonths of Betula flowering and the subsequent devel-opment of respiratory allergy to the same pollen.

Oleaceae. Olive (Olea europaea) pollen is considered asone of the most important causes of respiratory allergicdisease in the Mediterranean region. In Spain (30),southern Italy (31), Greece (32) and Turkey (33), olivepollen is an important cause of pollinosis. The mainpollen season is from April to June. The frequency ofolive-induced pollinosis is increasing as a consequenceof improved diagnostic procedures and as a result ofchanges in farming pratices (34) It is of interest thatecoenvironment and crop management are factors able toinduce allergological changes, in different varieties orcultivars of olive tree (35).Olea europaea pollinosis is clinically characterized by

rhinoconjunctival symptomatology than bronchial asth-ma. Moreover, polysensitization to olive pollen is morefrequent than monosensitization (34, 36).In sourthern Italy, the frequency of positivity to Olea

pollen allergens among all skin prick test-positivepatients is 13.49% in adults and 8.33% in children(37). In pollinosis patients of the Naples area, mono-sensitization to olive was identified in only 1.33% ofchildren and in 2.28% in adults; in all the remainingpatients, sensitization to olive pollen was associatedwith other allergens, mainly derived from pollen grains(34). Interestingly, children and adults with monosen-sitization to olive and living in the Naples area arefrequently affected by year-long symptoms that usuallydo not increase during the olive-pollen season. Asimilar finding has recently described in Spanish (30)and Turkish patients (33).Pollen from other species of the Oleaceae family, e.g.

Fraxinus excelsior and Ligustrum vulgare rarely induceallergic respiratory symptoms (38, 39).

Cupressaceae. The genus Cupressus is widely spread inMediterranean area, where the most common speciesare C. sempervirens, C. arizonica, C. macrocarpa andC. lusitanica. Cypress releases an enormous amount ofanemophilous pollen and it has been recognized to beresponsible for a large part of total annual amount ofairborne pollen in several Mediterranean areas. In the cityof Cordoba, southern Spain, Cupressaceae pollen repre-sents at least 30% of the total pollen count during thewinter season (40), whereas in Italy and Albania itreaches 20–40% of annual pollen rain (41, 42) In lastdecades, Cupressaceae pollen has been identified assource of increasing pollinosis in Mediterranean countriessuch as France (43, 44), Israel (45) Spain (46) and Italy(47, 48). It is also responsible for winter pollinosis in aperiod of the year when no other allergenic plants areflowering (49, 50).

The period of cypress pollination may last more than1 month, because of the gradual mechanism of micro-sporophyllous maturation (from the bottom to the top ofthe flower) and furthermore because pollination shows anhigh variability from year to year, depending on mete-orological factors (51). Calleja and Farrera (44) showedthat the dates of maximum pollination differed by up to29 days and precocity in pollination seems to run parallelto ongoing global warming. This phenological character-isticts make cypress allergy tricky to treat, due todifficulties in identifying start and duration of pollenseason (52).

It should be noted that a high cross-reactivity existswithin cupressacace family (Cupressus, Juniperus andCryptomeria) and between Cupressacae and Taxacee (53–56) which have quite different pollination seasons,overlapping or preceding the cypress pollination period.This observation is of clinical importance, where cross-reacting and earlier flowering plants (C.arizonica is one ofthe most spread in several European areas) are wellrepresented.

The sensitization rate to Cupressaceae pollen antigens ishighly variable depending on the population under studyand on the exposure level. While in the general populationit goes from 2.4 to 9.6%, the rate is much higher inpollinosis patients, being over 30% in some areas (57).The increasing epidemiological impact of pollinosisinduced by Cupressaceae plants is probable related toseveral factors: an increasing use of C. arizonica extracts(easier to prepare and chimically more stable specially insolution than C. sempervirens extracts (58) and a betterawarness to this allergy, that could be mistaken for viralinfections due to its late winter occurrence.

A large French study showed that cypress allergy ischaracterized by higher prevalence of dry cough and alower prevalence of conjunctivitis compared with grasspollen allergy (59). However, asthma prevalence insensitized patients seems to be very low (60).

The latest clinical trials on efficacy of immunotherapyin cypress allergy, using standardized extracts, have led to

Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe

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significant improvements, using both the subcutaneousand the sublingual routes. However, the effects of specificimmunotherapy should be further exploited (57).


Urticaceae. Parietaria is the main allergenic genus of theUrticaceae (nettle) family. The most important species areParietaria judaica and Parietaria officinalis. The majorallergens of both species are small glycoproteins withmolecular weights ranging between 10 and 14 kDa, withhigh cross-reactivity (61). Recent findings showed thatP judaica pollen contains an aminopeptidase which isable to disrupt epithelium barrier, enhancing the deliveryof allergenic protein to dendritic cells (62).Parietaria judaica grows mainly in coastal Mediterra-

nean areas, but has also been found in the UK (63).Parietaria pollen varies greatly according to the geo-graphic area.Pollinosis caused by Parietaria is less frequent before

the age of 10 years (64–66).The highest frequency of pollinosis caused by Parie-

taria occurs in subjects aged 10–30 years and is morefrequent in population of coastal towns than in thoseliving in rural, noncoastal areas. In Europe (67, 68) andthe USA (69), there is a greater frequency of reactivity toParietaria.The extraordinarily long persistence in the atmosphere

of Parietaria pollen in the Mediterranean area is respon-sible for a multiseasonal symptomatology (70). In someareas, like southern Italy, some patients have year-longsymptoms.In a retrospective cohort study, sensitization to Pari-

etaria judaica markedly increased the risk of developingasthma, while no associations were shown for sensitiza-tion to house dust mite and other pollens (71).Bronchial asthma or its equivalents, such as cough

(severe in some cases) associated with rhinoconjunctivitis,is present in 52% of the monosensitized Parietariapatients in central and southern Italy, reaching a peakof 60% in Naples and Rome (72).Although the correlation was not significant, a higher

number of Parietaria-monosensitized subjects living inthe Naples area were born during the Parietaria pollenseason and underwent an early exposure to the allergensreleased by this pollen (66).The frequency of positivity skin prick test to various

types of pollen grains (particularly those of Parietariaspp) implicated in pollinosis symptoms in atopic subjectshas increased in the Naples area during the last 15 years(72). Severe oral allergy symdrome after the ingestion ofpistachio nuts was described in two patients with mono-sensitization to Parietaria and a slight degree of cross-reactivity between Parietaria allergens and the pistachionut was detected in both cases (73).The treatment of Parietaria hay fever is often a

frustrating experience for both patients and clinicians

because of the prolonged persistance of this pollen inthe atmosphere. However, an increasing body ofevidence support use of sublingual specific immuno-therapy for subjects with symptoms due to Parietariapollen (74, 75). The recent identification of an hypo-allergenic fragment of Par j 2, able to upregulatenatural immunity receptors (Toll-like receptors) andincrease INFc might disclose new perspectives forimmunotherapy (76).

Compositae. The Compositae (Asteraceae), is one ofthe largest plant families with almost 20 000 species.Ragweed (Ambrosia) and mugwort (Artemisia) are themost involved in pollenosis The most common speciesof Artemisia are A. vulgaris (mugwort), which growsthroughout Europe, and A. Annua and A. verlotorum,which grow mainly in southern Europe. Mugwort ispresent in both urban and suburban areas. It flowersfrom late July to the end of August in northwestEurope.

The genus Ambrosia (A.), which includes both A. ar-temisiifolia (short or common ragweed) and A. trifida(giant ragweed) has long been recognized as a significantcause of allergic rhinitis. A large random skin test surveydemonstrated that 10% of the US population wasragweed-sensitive (77). More recently, Ambrosia pollenlevels were significantly related to asthma and rhinitis in astudy based on a symptoms diary and peak expiratoryflow rates (78).

The pollen of A.artemisiifolia is produced in enormousamounts and one single plant alone may produce millionsof pollen grains. Since the pollen grains are small (18–22 lm) they are often involved in episodes of longdistance transport (79).

The most representative species, A.artemisiifolia, wasfirst signalled in Europe in 1860 (80) and ragweed pollenis increasingly important from an allergological point ofview in parts of Central and Eastern Europe. Itsdistribution covers the area at medium latitude charac-terized by continental climate and it started its expan-sion from Hungary, the most ragweed-polluted country(81), Croatia (82), certain areas of France (83) and Italy(84). Furthermore, ragweed has been also detected inBulgaria (85), Austria (86), Switzerland (87), CzechRepublic (88), Slovak Republic (89), Sweden, (90) andPoland (91).

Ragweed and mugwort have nearly identical floweringseasonal periods and high degree of cross-reactivity. In arecent study was shown that patients with both ragweedand mugwort IgE reactivity on RAST and/or skin pricktests are actually co-sensitized. This observation is ofclinical relevance especially in patients for whom specificimmunotherapy is indicated (92). A large cross-reactivitybetween short and giant ragweed is also well known.However, recent data suggest the two plants are notallergenically equivalent. Due to this, in subjects sensiti-zed to ragweed, diagnosis and eventually immunotherapy

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should be performed according to type of pollen speciespresent in that specific area (93).

Pollens from ornamental plants

In the last decades, the increased use of ornamental plantsin parks and gardens, public and work places and housesprovided new sources of aeroallergens.The first report of weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) allergy

in plants keepers was published about 20 years ago (94).Since then, several cases were also reported amonggeneral population and non-atopic subjects (95, 96) andin a series of 2662 patients with a positive skin test to anyaeroallergens the 2.5% reacted with Ficus benjamina (97).Recent findings showed the source of allergen to be insap. (98) A Ficus-fruit (i.e. fig and other tropical fruits)syndrome was identified in which Ficus benjamina latex isthe cross-reacting allergen (99).In a population of 59 subjects with persistent rhinitis

and exposed to indoor decorative plants in the domesticenvironment 78% were sensitized to at least one orna-mental plant (weeping fig, yucca, ivy, palm tree andgeranium) (100). Authors suggest indoor plants have tobe considered as potential allergens causing perennialrhinitis and they should be included into the standardskin prick test panel in exposed patients.

Allergenic pollen in the Mediterranean area

Because of its climatic conditions, characterized by mildwinters and sunny days with dry summers, the vegetationof the Mediterranean area is different from that of centraland northern Europe. Allergenic-pollen-producing plantstypical of the Mediterranean climate are Parietaria, Oliveand Cupressaceae. However, during the last 30 years orso, aerobiological and allergological studies have beendeveloped rapidly in most parts of Europe and also in theMediterranean area. This has led to an increased densityof observational networks of pollen-counting stations,and also to the need for multilateral exchange andcooperation in aerobiological and allergological studies.Aerobiological sampling of the pollen content of the

atmosphere of various Mediterranean cities has made itpossible to identify three pollen seasons (15, 101, 102):

1. A low winter pollen season (from December to theend of March) marked by the presence of the pollensof such trees as Cupressaceae (Cupressus and Juni-perus), Corilaceae (Hazel), Acaciae (Mimosa) andsome Betulaceae.

2. A high spring-summer pollen season (April–July), ofmarked allergological interest, dominated by thepollination of Grasses, Parietaria and Olea (Olive).Partly overlapping with this season, from March toMay, Platanus flowers have some allergenicimportance in some Mediterranean areas as South-ern France, Spain etc.

3. A summer–autumn season (August–October)marked by the second, less pronounced, peak ofParietaria and sometimes of Gramineae and thepollens of herbaceous plants, such as mugwort(Artemisia) and Chenopodiaceae.

Grass pollen is by far the most important cause ofpollinosis throughout the European continent, includingthe Mediterranean area. Between 8% and 35% of youngadults in countries of the European Community show IgEserum antibodies to grass pollen allergens (103). It isinteresting to note that in various European cities theatmospheric concentration of grass pollen is decreasing(101, 104) while the prevalence of allergic rhinitis andallergic asthma is increasing,. The decrease in grass pollenconcentrations has been attributed to substantial decreasein grassland over large areas of the continent. In fact, thelast 30 years have seen a reduction in grassland of about40% (104). However, the observation that cases ofallergic rhinitis and asthma induced by grass pollen areincreasing is probably related to various factors, inclu-ding increased air pollution (34, 104, 105).

Parietaria is a genus of the Urticaceae family, andP. officinalis and P. judaica are the most commonallergenic species of this genus.

Parietaria judaica grows in coastal Mediterraneanareas such as Spain, southern France, Italy, Yugoslavia,Albania, Greece.This allergenic plant, which is respon-sible for many cases of severe pollinosis, has two verylong flowering periods. Its pollen appears first at thebeginning of the spring and persists during the spring andsummer months, often reaching a peak level with dailymean values of more than 500 pollen grains per cubicmeter of air at the end of April or in May, depending onthe climate of the area. A shorter pollination period isobserved from the end of August–October.

In the Oleaceae family, the most allergenic pollen isproduced by Olea europaea, the olive tree, which in theMediterranean area has been recognized as being one ofthe most important causes of seasonal respiratory allergy(53). The olive pollination season lasts from April to theend of June and sometimes causes severe symptoms(oculorhinitis and/or bronchial asthma). Olive tree, likebirch, has reproductive rhythms of high and low years forthe abundance of pollen and subsequent seed. Thealternating patterns may be modified or even obscuredby the influence of weather during the times of pollenformation and dispersal.

Sensitization to pollen allergens of Olea is oftenassociated with other atopic sensitizations such as allergyto grasses and it is frequently difficult to know whethersensitization to grasses or to Olive prevails.

Another interesting aspect of olive allergy is that insubjects with sensitization to the allergens of this pollenthe clinical symptoms are frequently not limited to thepollination season (May–June) but are unaccountablypresent all year round.

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As for birch, which is the most potent of the pollen-allergen-producing trees in northern Europe, this arbor-eal plant is spreading down into the Mediterranean area.For example, birches are becoming increasingly abun-

dant in northern Italy where landscape artists tend to usethem in new urban parks. The typical peaks of birchpollens are recorded in northern Europe during May,whereas in sourthern Europe the birch pollen concentra-tion generally peaks in April. This tendency for spring-pollinating plants, like birch and grass, to flower earlier inthe warmer southern regions of Europe is reversed for theautumn-pollinating types such as mugwort (101).Cypress pollination is characterized by awide variability

with very high concentrations in Mediterranean coastalareas, where it frequently induces rhinoconjunctivitis. Thispollen taxon is the most common airborne allergen of thewinter months in some Mediterranean cities.The increasing epidemiologic impact of pollinosis

induced by Cupressaceae plants is related to the increas-ing use of these species for gardening and reforestation(106). So again, as with birch, we have a case of fashioninfluencing the epidemiology of pollen-induced disorders.Pollen grains from herbs like mugwort (Artemisia) and

Plantain (Plantago) are of limited but, nevertheless, realclinical importance. Mugwort in particular has a markedsensitizing capacity. In the same Compositae family ofmugwort, we also find ragweed (Ambrosia), which iscolonizing Europe, and not only Central Europe, butalso some parts of the Mediterranean area such asnorthern Italy.

Advances in the pathogenetic role of pollen and airpollution

In the context of allergy, pollen grains have been simplyregarded as allergen carriers, and little attention has beendevoted to the nonprotein compounds of pollen. How-ever, individuals are rarely exposed to pure allergens, butrather to particles releasing the allergen, such as pollengrains or pollen-derived granules (107–109). Notably,lipids are major components of pollen exine and exsudate(108). In addition, long chain unsaturated fatty acids inpollen, such as linolenic acid, serve as precursors for thebiosynthesis of several plant hormones, such as dinorisoprostanes, recently termed phytoprostanes. These phy-toprostanes are formed non-enzymatically via autooxida-tion in plants and structurally resemble prostaglandinsand isoprostanes in humans (110–112). Recent resultssuggest that phytoprostanes might have an evolutionaryancient function in plant host defense (113, 114). Whereasthe physiological role of phytoprostanes in the life cycle ofplants is just beginning to emerge, virtually nothing isknown about their effects on the human immune responsein health and disease. It has been demonstrated recentlythat pollen grain, under physiological exposure condi-tions, releases not only allergens but also bioactive lipids

that activate human neutrophils and eosinophils in vitro(115–117). Moreover, intact grains of pollen induceactivation and maturation of dendritic cells in vitro,suggesting that pollen can act not only as allergen carrierbut also as an adjuvant in the induction phase of theallergic immune response (118).

Pollen allergen carrying small particles

Secondary allergen carriers. Pollen grains are the primarycarriers of pollen allergens, a fact which explains why thesymptoms typical of hay fever are located in the eyes, noseand nasopharynx. Basically, intact pollen grains, whichhave the aerodynamic size of 15–40 lm, probably cannotenter the lower, thoracic regions of the respiratory tract;instead, they affect the nasal or nasopharyngeal mucousmembrane (119, 120). However, symptoms of the bron-chial regions, such as cough or wheezing, are notinfrequently seen in pollen-allergic patients. Among thevarious hypotheses put forward to account for the thoracicafflictions in hay fever is the existence of secondary pollen-allergen-carrying particles ofmuch smaller sizes, capable ofpenetrating the lower respiratory tract. In fact, as early as1873, Blackley speculated that ‘‘free granular matter’’floats in the air causing ‘‘hay asthma’’.

Although it is plausible that, in spite of aerodynamicprinciples, a small number of pollen grains may penetrateinto the lower respiratory tract (121), particularly bymouth breathing, there is now strong evidence for theatmospheric presence of pollen-allergen-carrying particlesof sizes much smaller than intact pollen grains (122–124).

In the early 1970s, Busse et al. (125) were the first todemonstrate the presence of specific ragweed allergenscarried by small particles. By different techniques, thisobservation was confirmed and extended, first to rag-weed-pollen allergen (126–128). Subsequently, the samephenomenon was observed in grass-pollen allergen (129–131), red oak-pollen allergen (132), Japanese cedar-pollenallergen (133), and birch-pollen allergen (134). Withcascade impactors or other instruments that fractionatethe sampled airborne matter into several size classes, itwas established that these small particles range from somemicrometers, i.e. 2–10 lm (paucimicronic) to less than1 lm (submicronic) sizes (127, 128, 131, 133, 134).

Three aspects of the atmospheric presence of pollen-allergenic, paucimicronic, or submicronic particles areof particular interest; i.e. the consequences for thelocalization of pollinosis-related symptoms, the rela-tionship between the atmospheric pollen concentrationand pollen-allergen quantities, and the nature andorigin of these small pollen-allergen carriers. Althoughresearch and discussion on these aspects have not beenconcluded, some observations and data are worthconsidering here.

Pollinosis symptoms in the lower respiratory tract. Severalhypotheses have been proposed to account for pollinosis-

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related symptoms in the lower respiratory tract, at thelevel of the bronchi and bronchioli; e.g. absorption ofallergen in the nose and subsequent transportation to thebronchi, or reflex mechanisms inducing bronchialinvolvement after a nasal reaction. Discussion of thesehypotheses is beyond the scope of this paper, but it isclear from an aerodynamic point of view that theinhalation and penetration of small particles carryingpollen allergen into the lower respiratory region is arather direct and not unlikely cause of pollinosis-relatedsymptoms in that region (123, 124).

Atmospheric pollen grains and pollen allergen. The tradi-tional way to measure the presence and quantity of pollenallergen in the atmosphere is to assess the airborne pollenconcentration. With the demonstration of substantialquantities of airborne pollen allergen outside the pollenseason, the question arises as to whether or not thetraditional pollen count is a correct measurement ofatmospheric pollen allergen. This point is still beingdebated because the conclusions drawn by differentresearchers are not in agreement. Studies on red oak-pollen allergen (132) and for birch-pollen allergen (134,135) revealed a discrepancy between the numbers of pollengrains and quantities of pollen allergen in the atmosphere.In fact, substantial airborne pollen-allergenic activity hasbeen found, not only after, but even before, the period ofpresence of pollen grains. On the contrary, there is a goodcorrelation between the presence of pollen grains andpollen allergens, with very little airborne pollen allergenoutside the pollen season. The discrepancies detectedduring the pollen season have been attributed to theoccurrence of rainstorms (129, 130, 136, 137). Probably,the final conclusion will depend on the appreciation of theincidental presence of atmospheric allergen outside thepollen season, and its significance for pollinosis symptoms(138). This topic should be investigated, and perhapsstudies on the relationship with clinical symptoms ofpollinosis will contribute to the discussion.

Nature and origin of the small allergenic particles. Thenature and origin of the paucimicronic and the submic-ronic allergen-carrying particles also have yet to beconclusively defined. Four suggestions or hypotheseshave been proposed (123, 124, 138): pollen-grain frag-ments, starch granules, nonpollen plant parts, andnonplant environmental particles.

Pollen fragments. Because pollen grains generally resistfragmentation, it is unlikely that pollen-grain fragmentsmake a major contribution to the pollen-allergen-carryingparticulate matter in the atmosphere, although in thecontext of a thunderstorm it is possible to observe apollen rupture by osmotic shock (see paragraph on‘‘Thunderstorm-asthma’’). However, abrasion (126), par-ticularly from echinate pollen grains, cannot be ruled outcompletely.

Starch granules. It has been shown that, under wetconditions, pollen grains may rupture and release part oftheir content into the atmosphere. An important elementof the pollen-grain content is starch granules, which rangein size from 0.5 to 2–5 lm. Starch granules appear to becarriers of specific pollen allergen (136, 137). However,the process of the release of allergenic starch granulesfrom pollen grain cannot account for the presence, alsounder dry conditions, of the larger fraction of thepaucimicronic allergenic particles, which range between5 and 10 lm in size.

Nonpollen plant parts. Several authors have suggestedthat pollen-allergenic particles originating from plantparts other than pollen can occur in the atmosphere (seeparagraph ‘‘Thunderstorm-asthma). Parts from inflores-cences and/or leaves (128, 132, 139) as well as theso-called orbicules or Ubisch bodies (less than 0.2 lm insize), are capable of carrying specific pollen antigensresponsible for the presence of allergenic activity in theatmosphere.

Non-plant particulate matter. Allergen from the surfaceof the pollen grain could be transferred to other smallparticles derived or not from pollen grain; e.g. throughphysical contact or by leaching (136, 140). This process oftransfer could take place both in the air and after thepollen has settled to the ground. Particularly in regionswith an extra atmospheric load of particular matter as acomponent of air pollution, this process could be of greatclinical importance in view of the possible synergisticeffect of exposure to allergen and air pollution (123, 140).The process of transfer of pollen allergen from pollengrains to nonspecific environmental particulate mattermight explain the wide range of sizes (from submicronicto paucimicronic) of these secondary pollen-allergencarriers (138).

Pollen/pollutants interaction

Studies have demonstrated that urbanization, high levelsof vehicle emissions and westernised lifestyle are correla-ted with the increasing frequency of pollen-inducedrespiratory allergy and people who live in urban areastend to be more affected by pollen-induced respiratoryallergy than people living in rural areas (104, 106, 141–143). In urban cities of the Mediterranean area among thecomponents of air pollution such as nitrogen dioxide(NO2) and inhaled particulate matter (PM10 and PM2,5)there are frequently high concentrations of ozonefavoured by sunny days and ultraviolet radiations. Ozone(O3) trends in polluted urban atmosphere depend notonly on substrate supply (emissions of nitrogen dioxideby cars), but also on weather conditions. Sunny days,which are frequent in Mediterranean area, facilitate thetransformation of NO2 into O3, thereby producing theso- called ‘‘Summer smog’’. O3 is the main component of

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photochemical oxidants in cities that enjoy a mild sunnyclimate, such as several cities of the Mediterranean area.About 40–60% of the inhaled O3 is absorbed in the

nasal airways, the remainder reaching the lower airways.Exposure to increased atmospheric levels of O3 inducesdecrement in lung funcion, increased airway reactivity tobronchoconstrictor agents and is related to an increasedrisk of asthma exacerbation in asthmatic subjects (144,145). Epidemiologic studies have provided evidence thathigh ambient concentrations of this air pollutant areassociated with an increased rate of asthma attacks andincreased hospital admissions or emergency departmentvisits for respiratory diseases, including asthma (145–148). Several studies suggest that O3 increases asthmamorbidity by enhancing airway inflammation and epithe-lial permeability (146, 147, 149).Ozone exposure significantly increases the levels of

inflammatory cells (in particular, neutrophils) and medi-ators, such as IL-6, IL-8, granulocyte-macrophage col-ony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and fibronectin, inbronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of asthmatic sub-jects (149, 150).It has long been speculated that O3 and other pollut-

ants may render allergic subjects more susceptible to theantigen they are sensitised to (150, 151). Recently, it hasbeen observed that the incidence of new diagnoses ofasthma are associated with heavy exercise in communitieswith high concentrations of O3, thus, air pollution andoutdoor exercise could contribute to the development ofasthma in children (152).However, it is important to consider that exercise in

polluted areas results in greater deposition of air pollut-ants, including allergen-carrying particles, in the lowerairways.There is a growing body of evidence stating that

components of air pollution interact with inhalantallergens carried by pollen grains (140, 153, 154) andmay enhance the risk of both atopic sensitization andexacerbation of symptoms in sensitized subjects (153),since urban air pollution affects both airborne allergenicpollen and the airways of exposed subjects.Pollen allergy has been one of the most frequent models

used to study the interrelationship between air pollutionand respiratory allergic diseases (106, 140, 153–155).Pollen grains or plant-derived paucimicronic componentscarry allergens that can produce allergic symptoms (156).They may also interact with air pollution (particulatematter, ozone) in producing these effects (Table 2). Fur-thermore, airway mucosal damage and impaired mucocil-iary clearance induced by air pollution may facilitate theaccess of inhaled allergens to the cells of the immune system(153) (Table 3). In addition, vegetation reacts with airpollution and environmental conditions and influence theplant allergenicity. Several factors influence this interac-tion, including the type of air pollutants, plant species,nutrient balance, climatic factors, degree of airway sensi-tization and hyperresponsiveness of exposed subjects.

In a recent study in four European cities, allergensfrom pollens, latex and also b-glucans were shown to bebound to ambient air particles. Thus, combustionparticles in ambient air can act as carriers of allergensand as depots of allergens inhaled into the airways(157).

Moreover, in experimental conditions, traffic-relatedpollutants can trigger the release of allergen- containinggranules from Phleum pratense (timothy grass) pollen,and increase the bioavailability of airborne pollen aller-gens (158).

Environmental factors affecting production and diffusion ofpollen and pollutants

Climate change

Effects of climate changes on start and length of season, onpollen production and future scenarios. Recent studiesshowed the potential impact of climate change onaeroallergens and, as a consequence, on allergic diseases.These include impacts on pollen amount, pollen allerge-nicity, pollen season, plant and pollen distribution, andother plant attributes (159). An analysis of the data fromthe International Phenological Gardens in Europe (anetwork of sites covering 69–42�N and 10�W–27�E) hasshown that spring events, such as flowering, haveadvanced by 6 days, and that autumn events have beendelayed by 4.8 days, compared with the early 1960s (160).

Table 2. The rationale for the interrelationship between agents of air pollution andpollen allergens in inducing respiratory allergy

Air pollution can interact with pollen grains, leading to an increased releaseof antigens characterized by modified allergenicity.

Air pollution can interact with allergen-carrying paucimicronic particles derivedfrom plants. The paucimicronic particles, pollen-originated or not,are able to reach peripheral airways with inhaled air, so inducingasthma in sensitized subjects.

Air pollution, and in particular ozone, particulate matter and sulphur dioxide, havebeen shown to have an inflammatory effect on the airways of exposed, susceptiblesubjects, causing increased permeability, easier penetration of pollen allergens inthe mucous membranes and easier interaction with cells of the immune system.There is also evidence that predisposed subjects have increased airway reactivityinduced by air pollution and increased bronchial responsiveness to inhaled pollenallergens.Some components of air pollution seem to have an adjuvant immunologic effect onIgE synthesis in atopic subjects. In particular diesel exhaust particles (27, 28), whichcan interact in atmosphere with pollens or paucimicronic particles.

Table 3. Possible mechanisms of pollutant enhancement of responses to pollenallergens

Increased epitelial permeabilityPollutant induced airway inflammation ''priming'' the

subsequent allergen-induced responsesEnhanced oxidative stress in the airways.

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On average, the length of the growing season in Europeincreased by 10–11 days during the last 30 years. Trendsin pollen amount over the latter decades of the 1900sincreased according to local rises in temperature (25, 161–163). Substantial increases in pollen production resultedfrom exposure to increased CO2 concentration, inexperimental conditions (164–166) and in urban vs ruralareas; the latter study provides a reliable model forevaluating the effects of global warming (167). Otherattributes of allergenic plants are also responsive to CO2

concentration and/or temperature increases (168, 169).The duration of the pollen season is also extended,especially in summer and in the late flowering species(160). There is some evidence of significantly strongerallergenicity in pollen from trees grown at increasedtemperatures (170, 171).An earlier start and peak of the pollen season is more

pronounced in species that start flowering earlier in theyear. Due to the earlier onset of pollen seasons, theseasons are more often interrupted by adverse weatherconditions in late winter/early spring. Anyway, theassociation between changes in temperature is likely tovary across plant species (annual, more than perennialspecies and insect pollinators advancing more than windpollinators).Changes in climate appear to have altered the spatial

distribution of pollens. New patterns of atmosphericcirculation over Europe might contribute to episodes oflong distance transport of allergenic pollen, increasing therisk of new sensitizations among the allergic population(172). There is growing evidence to show that climatechange might also facilitate the geographical spread ofparticular plant species to new areas, which becomeclimatically suitable. However, the effect of the expectedrate of warming (0.5�C per decade) could be lesspronounced than effects of land use change the sociocul-tural changes as well as international transport (173, 174).


Thunderstorm asthma. ‘‘Thunderstorm-associated asth-ma’’ was recognized over 15 years ago, and, since then,other asthma outbreaks during thunderstorms weredescribed in UK (175), Australia (176, 177) and Italy(178). A comprehensive review on thunderstorm-asso-ciated asthma was recently published by D’Amatoet al.(179). The hypotheses underlying the epidemiolog-ical observations are: (1) outflow of colder air occurringduring thunderstorms sweeps up pollen grains andparticles and concentrates them at the ground level.Sensitized subjects who are exposed will inhale a highconcentration of allergenic material capable of inducingasthmatic reactions which can also be severe (180); (2)Some authors found that under wet conditions orduring thunderstorms, pollen grains may, after ruptureby osmotic shock, release part of their content,including respirable, allergen-carrying starch granules

(0.5–2.5 lm) into the atmosphere (136, 137); and (3) Ithas been hypothesized that an increase in fungal sporesduring a thunderstorm could contribute to asthmaepidemics (181).

In the light of the above, subjects affected by pollenallergy should be alert to the danger of being outdoorsduring a thunderstorm in the pollen season, since suchevents may be an important cause of severe exacerbationsof asthma.

Long-distance transport. Many studies of the dispersaldistance of the anemophilous pollen have focused on thedeposition of pollen within relatively short distances.However, there are numerous examples of pollenundoubtedly traveling long distances to arrive at a site(182–184) and studied by using air concentration samplesor meso-scale dispersion process models (185). Suspendedparticles are usually transported by the wind, anddispersed by the existing turbulence within the lowestatmospheric layer (boundary layer) where deep convec-tion can bring up particles to free atmosphere and besuspended in an air mass moved by synoptic systems.Depending on the altitude reached, they could betransported and deposited at great distances (186).

Emerging evidence showed that long distance transportmight represent a cause of sensitization and of symptomsamong the allergic population, in areas far from thesource of pollen.

Ragweed seems to be frequently involved in the trans-boundary transport inEurope (90, 187, 188). In central Italy,several episodes of detection of ragweed pollen appeared tobe linked to air mass coming from the Balkans (possiblyHungary) and pollen count often reached the clinicalthreshold suggesting a possible increase in the sensitizationrate and clinical impact on allergic population (172). Thishypothesis was supported by a preliminary observation ofthe increasing trend of ragweed allergy in a neighbouringregion where plants are not present, as well. (189)

Furthermore, there is convincing evidence to provethat the long-range transport of pollen from distantregions can significantly modify pollinating seasons (i.e.the start time and duration of high atmospheric pollenconcentrations) in many European areas. This isparticularly important for northern Europe, whereflowering takes place later in the spring. regions (190).In Finland, birch pollen are shown to come from BalticStates, Russia, Germany, Poland and Sweden, depend-ing on the particular meteorological situation. Since thepollen count can reach high levels during theseepisodes, large-scale forecasting might be useful forthe allergic population (186).


L. Cecchi was supported by the ‘MeteoSalute’ project, RegionalHealth System of Tuscany, Italy.

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Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe

Birch pollen allergy in Europe...Pollen from birch and other related trees of the families Betulaceae and fa*gaceae are the most dominant tree pollen types found in Northern and Central

Inmunotek...Allergens are titrated at 40 Allergenic Units per capsule. Available for the main allergens. The capsules are administered with the enclosed nasal pump. Allergy Diagnosis

Birch Pollen-Related Food Allergy: An Excellent … Birch Pollen-Related Food Allergy: An Excellent Disease Model to Understand the Relevance of Immunological

NATURAL ALLERGY REMEDIES· 2/6/2011· NATURAL ALLERGY REMEDIES PLEASE CLICK FOLLOWING LINK TO WATCH THE VIDEO An easy and natural treatment to stay away from pollen allergy!

Lecture 10 Nutrition of inflammation, immune and allergy Allergy symptom Cryptomeria pollen Helminth Histamine Serotonin Leukotriene Obesity cell Histamine

POLLEN ALLERGY IN EUROPE - UCB€¦· POLLEN ALLERGY IN EUROPE Prof. Gennaro D’Amato Division of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases High Speciality Hospital "A. Cardarelli", Naples,

Nahrungsmittelallergien· Recombinant fish parvalbumin for diagnosis of fish allergy. Reduced allergenic activity of the parvalbumin mutants. Hypoallergenic food allergens for toleranceinduction


Pollen spectrum and risk of pollen allergy in Central Spain

ALEX – Allergy Explorer THE SMART WAY TO EXPLORE ALLERGY· 2020. 1. 20.· alex 2 ® – allergy explorer the smart way to explore allergy pollen mites animal dander sea food

Analysis of morphological and molecular composition ...Analysis of morphological and molecular composition changes in allergenic Artemisia vulgaris L. pollen under traffic pollution

Amaranthus Pollen Allergens: Protein Diversity … Pollen Allergens: Protein Diversity and Impact on Allergy Diagnosis

Analyzing the Allergenic Airborne Pollen Season for Health

Occupational and food allergy: focus on allergen extracts· Part five: Cross-reactivity Chapter 7 Immunoblot and RAST-inhibition studies of allergenic cross-reactivity of the 65

Grass pollen allergy in children and adolescents-symptoms

Pollen Seasonality· 2018. 4. 4.· Pollen and Health Outdoor allergenic pollen and mold are the primary cause for allergic rhinitis or hay fever (Grammer, Greenberger, 2009). Annual

Scientific Opinion on the effect on public or animal ...· Ambrosia pollen allergy-related rhinitis, asthma and food allergy manifestation are likely to become a significant public

1 Pollen Calendars and Maps of Allergenic Pollen in North

RESIDENTIAL AIR CONDITIONERS€¦· Flower Pollen (2~100˝m) I Asthma, allergy, atopic dermatitis Dead mite, Feces (5~20˝m) I Asthma, allergy, atopic dermatitis Fungi (3~30˝m)


Pollen allergy in Europe - European Academy of Allergy …· Web viewStrannegard IL et al. Prevalence of allergy in children in relation to prior BCG vaccination and infection with

The Revised Edition of Korean Calendar for Allergenic Pollens· Classification of pollens that cause allergic disease in Korea Trees Gymnosperms Cypresses: The pollen size ranges

PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF ALLERGY IN INFANTS...Top Food Allergy Myths: Allergic reactions get more severe with each ... Avoidance of common allergenic foods such as egg and peanut

The Most Challenging Places to Live With AllergiesRagweed allergy is the most common weed pollen allergy, affecting 10 to 20% of Americans. One plant can produce billions of light,

Short-Term Effect of Pollen and Spore Exposure on Allergy ...· Short-Term Effect of Pollen and Spore Exposure on Allergy Morbidity in the Brussels-Capital Region Ariane Guilbert,1

Hokkaido Breeding Region - ffpri.affrc.go.jpFTBC is leading in research and development of pollen free and less pollen varieties. The allergy associated with tree pollen has been one

Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe - … pollen and pollen allergy...· Review article Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe Pollen allergy has a remarkable

Pollen allergy in relation to palynology and taxonomy of ...· Pollen allergy in relation to palynology and taxonomy of flowering plants at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Yelwa

POLLEN · PDF filePOLLEN ALLERGIES Adapting to a Changing Climate How are you managing pollen allergies in a changing global climate? Welcome to World Allergy Week 2016

Walgreens Allergy Relief...If you have an allergy, welcome to the club. About 50 million Americans - or 1 in 5 people are allergic to pollen, food, pets, medications, and more. Learn

TF_Template_Word_Windows_2003 - Amazon S3 Web viewORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE. Palynological studies of melliferous and allergenic flora of Pakistan: A key to pollen and spore identification

ALEX – Allergy Explorer THE SMART WAY TO EXPLORE …· alex ® – allergy explorer the smart way to explore allergy pollen mites animal dander sea food tree nuts legumes seeds

POLLEN ALLERGY IN EUROPE - UCB · PDF filePOLLEN ALLERGY IN EUROPE Prof. Gennaro D’Amato Division of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases High Speciality Hospital "A. Cardarelli", Naples,

Characteristics of Allergens Allergenic relatedness Oral allergy syndrome Latex allergy Oral tolerance

Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe - … pollen and pollen... · Review article Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe Pollen allergy has a remarkable clinical - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.