The Good, The Bad, And The Spandex III: Electric Boogaloo (2024)

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JumpingFruit An Ordinary Oddball from R'lyeh Since: Feb, 2018 Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu

An Ordinary Oddball

#1: Feb 18th 2019 at 6:22:22 PM

Signup Thread

Worldbuilding Thread

Discord ServerThe Good, The Bad, And The Spandex III: Electric Boogaloo (4)

Main Street, 7-Eleven Convenience Store, 7:00 PM

It had been an oddly normal day in Easton. That was to say, nothing odd had happened—no villain attacks, no supernatural occurrences, absolutely nothing—had occurred during the day.

The night, however, was a completely different matter entirely.

Everything seemed to come out onto the streets as shadows crept slowly over the buildings and came stretching forth out of isolated crevices.

That included Ferro Cinnabar. He was running rather low on food, and had hesitatingly emerged from his sewer base to purchase supplies from a 7-Eleven store. (He was sorely annoyed by the fact that you couldn't casually cash gold in for money these days. He had instead scraped together spare change that people dropped into the gutters. However many times he could cheat death, starving to death was always unpleasant.)

As he was about to pay for his food (Various flavors of Cup Noodles, several packs of gummy candies, and some instant coffee), some young punks drew guns and started demanding money from the cashier.

Ferro sunk to the floor in abject terror. He had also dropped his cane besides. "A pox and a murrain!" he cried as he felt around for it.

Meanwhile, the robbery was still taking place. The punks would abscond soon with the money if someone didn't act soon.

PLAYERS: Stop the robbers, using whatever methods you have on hand!

Edited by JumpingFruit on Feb 18th 2019 at 6:43:46 AM

I wear the skin of the Elder Things, having come unto my own.

NickTheSwing Since: Aug, 2009

#2: Feb 18th 2019 at 6:39:58 PM

Ryan Brady - A Night's Stroll

Being out late at night in this city could be pretty dangerous. If you let yourself look too long at odd or uncanny events, you might just lose your way.

For Ryan Brady, tonight was just another supply run down to the 7-11 for jerky, soda, and other late night necessities. Dressed in a blue denim jacket, a torn up white cutoff shirt under that, jeans and sneakers, Ryan breathed and saw his breath on the wind. He held a hand up briefly and a few sparks showed from his hand.

Tonight was another typically rough night at the apartment. Jeff was out doing some modeling sh*t - he always seemed to have it good like that. And Ryan's recent attempt at a Tinder date had fallen through when the girl insisted he make a profile on what was definitely a scam site. She then said he was "too roided up" anyway and cut contact.

"...Days like this make me f*ckin' wonder sometimes..." And then when he stood about ready to enter the 7-11, he found himself looking at the view of a bunch of punks robbing the owner.

Now, Ryan could very well keep walking...but after a frustrating day he was ready to just crack some heads. And those punks were f*ckin' asking for it picking on the shop owner.

He took out his capsule containing his costume and grinned for a moment.

Mere instants later, as one of the thugs got ready to unload his gun, Collateral rushed into the shop, fully dressed in his hero outfit, and outright melted the gun out of the thug's hand.

"If you're smart, you'd back the f*ck up."

MichaelDj54 Up on Melancholy hill. from North of Normal, West of Weird Since: Mar, 2010

Up on Melancholy hill.

#3: Feb 18th 2019 at 6:49:11 PM

Mason Bridges - Genius. Inventor. Genius Inventor. HERO.

Yeah. Yeah he liked the sound of those, specifically the genius and hero part. But especially the Genius part.

Mason Bridges was currently walking through the dark, harrowing streets of Easton deep in his own mind and deep in his own ideas as he planned ways to make a name for himself, and how he ended up wanting to be remembered! Yes, he liked the title of Genius Inventor Super Hero, Mason Bridges! Or Mason Bridges, Genius Inventor Super Hero! Or any combination there of!

It was all about getting that identity out to the public! The excitement building as he wondered what kind of endorsem*nts he could have! oooh, a toyline would be-

Hark! What was this!? A burglary in progress! This looked like a job for MASKED FIGHTER GENESIS!

Grinning a far too excited grin, he quickly rolled up his sleeve and made sure his Driver was still there and he held up, what appeared to be a key with a flame decal as a base. And so, he rushed to the scene.

"HARK! Have no fear, Citizens, your new ally, Masked Hero Genesis is-"

He paused as he saw someone actually melt the gun in the thugs hand, and he felt some steam actually leave his sails.

"Awww...come on! I couldn't be the first one here!?" He slumped over a little bit.

Is it selfish that I'm happy as we pass the setting sun?

Kepler-7 A Squid Since: Apr, 2015 Relationship Status: Healthy, deeply-felt respect for this here Shotgun

A Squid

#4: Feb 18th 2019 at 6:53:32 PM

Like statue, Walker watched over the city.

His mind was unfathomable. Once he had been of mortal mind. Now he was stuck between two of them; one, the personality he was born with, and the other, an impossibly ancient entity with knowledge beyond humanity. But right now it was the mortal speaking, and in his head he had two goals.

1) Stop lawbreakers.2) Stop Augments.

Augments, or as some called them, supers, were a pox. Walker's home had been destroyed, thrown into anarchy by them. Criminal supers looking for 'freedom' and 'a home', when all they did, whether they meant to or not, was cause destruction. Even back home, where Walker's people had perfected devastating military technology, he rarely saw more carnage and destruction than in the aftermath of an Augment conflict. In his experience, it was also true that, while a man with control over technology might be just a ill willed, few were more willing than an Augment to resort to violence and power usage.

But right now Augments weren't the problem. No, right now it was something more minor. Just some punks with guns. Walker's alien mask turned from the stars to the earth, gazing disdainfully at the humans. He let out a staticky sigh. Well, everyone had to start somewhere. Besides, in places like Easton, robberies, even small ones, tended to attract supers.

Speaking of which, one just walked in and melted one of the punks' guns. Walker perked up slightly, even more when what appeared to be a second super appeared. Two birds with one stone. He could stop the robbery, however unimportant it was (and maybe score some food since he was sorely lacking in the money department), and also... maybe teach a super a lesson.

Walker took a step forward, and suddenly he was on the street below where he had been a split second ago. For a second he reached for the plasma cannon on his back, then thought better of it. Too destructive. Instead he drew the longsword at his waist, which for the most part was a pure reflective grey and exuded an almost inhuman aura, and let it casually hang at his side. Then he began walking forward towards the door, clearly visible from outside in his black and yellow cape and uncanny mask.

"I guess tonight's the beginning," he growled to himself. "Good luck, me."

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#5: Feb 18th 2019 at 6:55:15 PM

Convience Store

Su(e) had been sitting atop the Seven Eleven just as the robbery occurred. She had been doing her best to work out the concept of 'money', as well as paying for something one needed rather than just taking it as needs demanded. She had some familiarity with the concept. After all, bargaining in her enclave was not unheard of. But trying to figure out just how much something cost and what amount of metal coins or pieces of paper she needed to get it was nothing short of infuriating.

As was the concept of clothing. It was only after receiving a rather stunned expression from a crowd of onlookers that she realized she needed to cover up, but without any 'money', she had to make do with a pair of tattered old hot pants and a skimpy tanktop she found in a dumpster. Not that she minded — in fact she would have been fine wearing nothing at all — but they seemed to. And if she wanted to be a hero, then she needed to keep that in mind. Or else she might as well have gone running back home to the Enclave.

Speaking of which. She had come to the Seven Eleven because that was where she planned to go once she figured this whole thing out, but upon hearing voices from the store below, she now had a reason to head in there sooner than later. She leaped over to the edge of the building and hung off it with her bare feet looking upside down at the scene unfolding within. And she grinned. She'd been into action a few times before, but this time she'd really get to bust some heads. She hung off it again, but she had been just a bit too late. By this point someone else had rushed into the building and gotten first dibs. Well, she wasn't gonna let him have all the fun.

She bashed in the glass with her staff before swinging into the opening she had made, somersaulting in midair and landing on her feet. "Hey ya'all! You all better do what he says or you're gonna get a staff up your asses! You get me?"

Edited by kkhohoho on Feb 18th 2019 at 9:02:35 AM

kagescorpionakki Breath of the Sun from Long Ago Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Anime is my true love

Breath of the Sun

#6: Feb 18th 2019 at 7:24:19 PM

Charlie - Convenience Store

"No, no, no, goddammit." Charlie muttered to himself, perusing the refrigerated shelves, running a hand through his model-esque glossy hair (being a shapeshifter had its perks). "There's no f*cking way they're out of it."

He was, naturally, on a beer run. This 7-Eleven was rather conveniently around the corner from his apartment, and as such he frequented the place for cheap snacks and booze. One did not expect much to happen at 7-Eleven at night, and so Charlie had initially disregarded the two suspicious looking teens.

Naturally, they immediately tried to hold the place up. Charlie pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply before glaring at the two from across the store.

Who the f*ck pulls a gun-to-the-head robbery in a town full of goddamn superheroes? Like, there was a non-zero chance the owner would be bulletproof, why the f*ck would - oh, sh*t, there it is.

Yanking open the fridge door, Charlie grabbed two cases of his favorite IPA, before turning back to the robbery in progress. "Yo, heroes, can you skip the quips and just kick the sh*t out of them already? So I can, you know, pay for these?" He called out, holding up the cases of beer for emphasis.

What is so amusing about this? Why do you take lives? How can you forget?

JumpingFruit An Ordinary Oddball from R'lyeh Since: Feb, 2018 Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu

An Ordinary Oddball

#7: Feb 18th 2019 at 8:46:16 PM

Main Street, 7-Eleven Convenience Store, 7:01 PM

The punk immediately dropped the gun as it started smoking in his hand, screaming like there was going to be no tomorrow (which, to be fair, was likely for him) and waved for his compatriots to follow him out of the door.

Ferro had been cooking up a few choice compounds in the microwave (convenience stores really lived up to their names), and he gingerly grabbed the beer bottle and threw it after the fleeing robbers.

It fell short, but not by much. Odd blue flames flared up in a column behind the robbers, and disappeared just as quickly, leaving nary a mark on the street. That put an extra spring in the robbers' steps and they nearly tripped over themselves trying to get away.

"Greek fire...Did I get 'em?" Ferro said heavily, slumping over. "Probably not...Where's my cane?" He patted the floor, looking for it.

It was probably worth noticing that his eyes were bandaged, and perhaps there were illustrations of him in several high school textbooks somewhere.

Edited by JumpingFruit on Feb 18th 2019 at 8:47:14 AM

I wear the skin of the Elder Things, having come unto my own.

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#8: Feb 18th 2019 at 9:42:02 PM

Convience Store

"Oh c'mon! I was just getting started!" Sue raced after the teens into the street, leaping over them before readying her staff. "Alright, so, you guys haven't actually done anything and it's not like you were trying to start a massacre or rape somebody so Imma' gonna give you a chance to surrender and wait for the 'police' or whatever they're supposed to be to show up." 'Police'. Another concept Sue had only started getting used to. From where she came from, there was no police. Which meant that these sorts of situations were either never resolved or, if they were, were resolved a lot more messily. She was tempted to solve it herself just like she used to back home. But when in... Rome? Was that it? Whatever, she still got the idea.

"Well? You gonna give it up? Or am I gonna have to break your noses in?"

Edited by kkhohoho on Feb 18th 2019 at 11:47:55 AM

NickTheSwing Since: Aug, 2009

#9: Feb 18th 2019 at 11:10:13 PM

Ryan Brady

On Ryan's part he saw the old guy over there chuck what he deemed to be "Greek Fire" after those punks, and Ryan gave a slight grin...though he then bit his lip a little when he saw that this old guy was apparently quite blind. And it looked like he was somewhat infirm...

Ryan saw a cane resting on the floor and walked over, picking it up and handing it to the old man. "Here, sorry those bastards pulled sh*t like that." Ryan put his hands behind his neck and then smiled when he looked to the side and both saw and heard the monkey girl going after those punks. Looked like he wasn't gonna have to go after them himself after all.

Ryan then started looking around in case heating up had let out any fallout, and he breathed when he saw that was not the case. Dealing with his own fallout was a pain, but it was by far better than people getting hurt or ill because of it.

An Errant Shadow

Outside, something swirled and flew through the air, barely present outside of the slightest form of a shadow upon the air. The form included eyes, though not possessed of physical ones. A ghostly, light chuckle rippled from it in echoing repetition.

It looked upon the statuesque form of Walker, and this was the point where Myrkaan realized what he was looking at was not something he had encountered in any of the iterations, nor the simulation and its corresponding Data Terminus...something unique to this world. This chaotic, unsettled little world.

Superhero or supervillain? Or maybe something outside that little false dilemma.

Myrkaan suddenly swirled about near Walker, and said to him, "Now now, please do not be alarmed good sir, I am merely...a choice spirit." Just being close to him, Myrkaan could almost taste the feelings this man had toward the meta-humans. It gave idea.

"I could just guess, but I think you might be apprehensive about them. The superheroes..."

Enirboreh AKA Nixer from the domain of infinite floof. Since: Jul, 2015 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

AKA Nixer

#10: Feb 19th 2019 at 2:04:40 AM

Goldrush – Convenience Store

“Ya'll need something?”

This was called out by a voice nearest the establishment currently being robbed; coming from a teen with golden blond hair and a pair of equally golden eyes. He was standing against the wall with crossed arms, scanning the situation for a few moments before he pushed off and began to walk towards them with his hands shoved in his pockets. An incandescent, wispy trail led from where he'd been standing all the way off down the street.

Most intriguingly, anything that hadn't been tied down on said street looked like it had been tossed aside a little. Thankfully not any cars. Just small stuff like trash. And people.

Who honestly looked more confused than hurt at this point.

“Jeez. Heard Easton could be a cluster#$&%, but this...” he gestured with his hand. “...just wow. Actually, no. Keep it up. When you have the cosmic gods threatening to blow up the galaxy, we need guys who'll keep stopping purse snatchers. Tend to get forgotten when Drügnark the Unforeseeable or whatever is exploding Jupiter.”

He paused for a moment at the monkey girl. She talked as if she hadn't been around civilisation long, let alone Easton. So he gave her a little leeway on that part and nodded.

“Good call. Don't get licenses for arrest a lot of the time. Lot of newbies don't get that bit first time around. So, what? You a newbie? 'Cause I appreciate the enthusiasm.”


Kepler-7 A Squid Since: Apr, 2015 Relationship Status: Healthy, deeply-felt respect for this here Shotgun

A Squid

#11: Feb 19th 2019 at 5:11:54 AM

Walker was debating whether or not to simply blinkstep into the store instead of use the door when he heard the voice. He nearly swung his sword, but stopped himself. It didn't sound like a threat, and besides, he shouldn't start off his days on this Earth by ganking some poor fool who surprised him.

When the voice began talking, Walker calmly responded, "I wouldn't call them heroes." Well, it was a nicer comment than his tone implied. "But yes, I guess you could say I'm apprehensive. I mean, look at them."

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're not one of them," Walker rasped. "What are you implying? You want to deal with them or something?" Walker would like some help. Even with his equipment, he couldn't take on every powered person in Easton, much as he would like to. He could do with some allies.

Once upon a time he had allies. Back home, when the augments had risen up, Walker had been one of the first to strike back. But slowly their numbers had dwindled as the augments dealt with them. He'd lost good friends that way. So yeah, he was ready to kick some augment ass.

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#12: Feb 19th 2019 at 5:23:39 AM

Convience Store

Sue briefly glanced at Goldrush before turning her attention back to the teens, though she still had the deceny to answer his question. "Thanks! And yeah, I guess you could say that. Just started doin' this 'bout a week ago. By the way, what's an 'arrest'?"

MichaelDj54 Up on Melancholy hill. from North of Normal, West of Weird Since: Mar, 2010

Up on Melancholy hill.

#13: Feb 19th 2019 at 5:41:08 AM

Mason Bridges

The more people showed up, the more discouraged he got. Shoot, he would have gone after the robbers themselves but the Monkey Girl (yes, that is a thing that is happening on this planet in this little section of his life) and he gave an annoyed grumble.

Well, whatever! It's not like Masked Fighter Genesis was going to make his debut against something as small and penny-ante as common convenience store robbers! His own time was coming and he was really going to show the world what for!

At the very least, he hoped he could in this very Hero-Eat-Hero world, and knew he was going to be struggling...QUITE a bit in order to make ends meet and names reaching out.

So, perhaps it would be a good idea to try and set up an...ahem...relationship, with one of the other heroes here. Something he could do to help get some extra eyes and ears around the city without needing to, as it were, struggle for dominance.

Yeah, Mason wasn't really getting this whole "Hero" thing just yet. Could ya tell?

So, the first person he eyed, that one that actively melted the guy in the thieves hand, and he put on as big a smile as he could, and walked up to him.

"Hello there, fellow hero! It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Mason Bridges! I'm relatively new around here so it's good to meet another hero such as yourself! Put em' there!" He held his hand out for him to shake.

Is it selfish that I'm happy as we pass the setting sun?

NickTheSwing Since: Aug, 2009

#14: Feb 19th 2019 at 8:01:59 AM

Ryan Brady

Turning to look at Mason after giving the old man his cane back, Ryan remembered he was not the only hero to react to the scene in the store. This guy looked like he was covered in armor head to toe, with some kind of theme going on there. Ryan guessed he looked trustworthy, and though he'd had some negative experiences with other heroes in the past, he guessed he could trust Mason just going by the guy's sheer energy.

Still, the loudness and openness were more than a little reminiscent, and Ryan took a moment to gather himself before promptly shaking Mason's hand. "Uh...yeah...I go by Collateral. I was just in the area when I saw those guys trying to rob this place. As for me, I...guess you could say I'm returning to the hero thing after uh..."

Ryan remembered the explosion, the media blitz, the judgement and verdict and shook his head.

"*t happened."

The Darklord

Myrkaan for his part profusely nodded and moved through the air in response to what Walker was saying. The "choice spirit" said in a very sympathetic tone, "I would agree on not calling them heroes - I suppose that their stylings and desired perception still bring some effect..."

The spirit then said, "Ohhh definitely not one of them. I was almost slain by those creatures, left to wander as a choice spirit..."

He then seemed to take some hope in what Walker was saying and responded, "Deal with them? Why, what a wonderful idea! I would be more than glad to try and work with you toward this idea of yours. If you per chance wouldn't mind, I'd be open to sharing a few possible plans."

Myrkaan was able to positively smell the hatred, loneliness and anger simmering within this man. His soul was a veritable cornucopia of delectable emotions. And the Darklord looked forward to teasing all of them into wondrous emergence.

Kepler-7 A Squid Since: Apr, 2015 Relationship Status: Healthy, deeply-felt respect for this here Shotgun

A Squid

#15: Feb 19th 2019 at 1:13:18 PM

Walker looked the 'spirit' up and down. Well, he didn't look as friendly as the sounded, but what the hell. Walker knew he wouldn't be able to take on every augment in the world without some backup. Even his advanced Pioneer artifacts wouldn't be enough if the supers caught on to him and ganged up. Before Walker said anything, he took a second to rifle through the deep fathoms of his Pioneer knowledge. Not to his surprise he discovered the Pioneers had no experience with things resembling this spirit. Well, that was a bit of a lie. Pioneers had knowledge far and wide on practically every subject, even the supernatural or what passed for it on their worlds. Maybe they had dealt with this specific type of spirit before, but not in this specific form, and besides, Walker didn't know enough about it yet to match it up with what the Pioneer mind inside him knew.

"I'm all ears, partner," he drawled. He twirled his sword around. "As long as these plans involve you helping out too." He paused. Another second as he accessed the Pioneer mind. Some days he felt more Pioneer than his original self, like the much darker, deeper, alien, still mostly unknown mind inside of him was taking over, but today he felt in control. Before his eyes various schematics flashed, machines from Pioneer times and tools used for a multitude of purposes. A particular one stuck to him. A feeling washed over him, something alien and incomprehensible. He shuddered slightly as the true depth and purpose of the machine became known to him.

"And after this, I could do with some help gathering stuff, if you're interested in sticking around," Walker said. "I'm sure I can compensate you somehow, uh... not sure I caught your name."

NickTheSwing Since: Aug, 2009

#16: Feb 19th 2019 at 1:27:34 PM


"Ohh don't you worry one iota - I'll help out the plans as much as possible in order to ensure their success." Myrkaan moved through the air, the semi-corporeal spirit swirling around the Pioneer for a moment before moving back.

This was all proceeding excellently.

"As for the plans, I've been working diligently with a group of ne'er do wells and trying to bring them to redemption through earnest work against those meta-humans."

The specter then nodded as much as it could in such a state, "I would be very much glad to help you out as much as I can. As for a can call me Mikael."

Kepler-7 A Squid Since: Apr, 2015 Relationship Status: Healthy, deeply-felt respect for this here Shotgun

A Squid

#17: Feb 19th 2019 at 4:04:00 PM

"Well... Mikael," Walker said, "I like where you're going. One thing: do you want to do anything about the 'heroes' right over there?" He gestured towards the store. "I was, but if you'd rather us work out something more effective than me going over there and dealing with them at swordpoint, fine by me. If so we might want to leave before they notice us."

Walker reached up to his mask and adjusted a small knob. A quiet hiss from his mask, and he continued, "My plans will require considerable time and supplies. I'm a nice guy, so I'll go with your plan first, but I want to make it clear that just because I'm willing to do some dirty work for you doesn't mean I won't prioritize myself if it comes down to it." He raised his hands in a slight 'can't blame me' gesture. "Unless you've got a better chance of carrying out my plan. But I'll admit I like working with others, so I'll play nice. You got those 'ne'er do wells' nearby, or do you want to use them later?"

NickTheSwing Since: Aug, 2009

#18: Feb 19th 2019 at 5:10:17 PM


"Those children over there? If there is anything I have learned over time, dealing with these meta-humans, it is that attacking any group you happenstance come across makes little difference. More of them appear, and you're back to square one - with their authority figures more aware of your presence."

Myrkaan swirled about Walker - this was indeed a worthwhile partnership. One he stood to get quite a lot out of.

"It probably is indeed better to wait and build up our resources. Deploying my ne'er do wells now would just waste them on a frivolity. And I truly and fully understand that your means and ends come first. That is just common sense!"

The being said to him in a quiet tone, "After all, I am a choice spirit. Your choices carry the most weight in this situation. For instance, your display of wisdom in your choices so far."

JumpingFruit An Ordinary Oddball from R'lyeh Since: Feb, 2018 Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu

An Ordinary Oddball

#19: Feb 19th 2019 at 6:14:43 PM

Main Street, 7-Eleven Convenience Store, 7:05 PM

The police arrived and had arrested the punks, eyeing everyone--everyone!--with suspicion before driving off.

Ferro took his cane from Ryan. "Thank you, young man. Now, if you'll all excuse me, it's quite late, and I'd like to be heading back home..."

He paid for his things and left, poking the ground in front of him with his cane carefully.

Ferro had to be careful here. He walked down a route he had memorized, almost to the city limits. There were some fields there. Ferro was sure that if he still had his sight, he would have liked the scenery.

Edited by JumpingFruit on Feb 19th 2019 at 6:21:56 AM

I wear the skin of the Elder Things, having come unto my own.

Enirboreh AKA Nixer from the domain of infinite floof. Since: Jul, 2015 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

AKA Nixer

#20: Feb 20th 2019 at 2:19:40 AM

Rine & Kyxe – The Fields

It was a fair thing Ferro was blind, otherwise he would have seen the imminent destruction of the scenery.

Didn't stop the noise, though. There was an earsplitting roar followed by an even more earsplitting crash as something impacted the distant fields set great speed; anyone in the area with functioning eyes able to see what seemed to be a meteorite rocketing into the ground at terminal velocity. The object skidded across the dirt and tore up charred plates of muck for a solid hundred metres before it managed to halt—albeit not without encouragement from a long abandoned barn.

Steam exuded from the crash site as the soft glow of flame licked away at the clouds; visible even from a distance. Within the remains of the now crushed barn sat the scattered fragments of some sort of vessel—the pieces having fractured off seemingly by design upon impact with the ground and leaving only a pair of sleek looking, egg-shaped pods standing near the back wall parallel to each other. What might've been a rounded window near the tops of each was instead misted up to the point of opaqueness—the cause apparently condensation judging by the thin layer of ice coating each of the pods.

Though if one looked exceptionally close, they might be able to see the vaguest facial features through the thick fog of cold.

Goldrush – Convenience Store

Daniel blinked, before sighing and rubbing his temples. So she was really out of touch. Good to know.

“An arrest is basically what those boys in blue did. Legally capturing them and holding them until they figure out an appropriate punishment. Usually locking them up for an indeterminate amount of time. But we don't have permission to do that. Usually.”

He shrugged, watching as the police finished up before nodding to them all.

“Well, considering it was an absolute cluster#$&% you guys handled it well. I'd have done it myself but it's nice to see newbies get to work. Hope I get to see you guys around. Move up in the world, y'know?”

He looked about to go, but he paused—looking over them again and seeming to reconsider.

“But uh... that said, any of you guys need any pointers? I mean, I'd be happy to lend a hand. I get the whole ‘sink or swim’ thing, but... with lives on the line, I kinda wanna make sure you guys are doing good in this line of work. You get what I'm sayin'?”

Edited by Enirboreh on Feb 20th 2019 at 1:34:48 PM


Kepler-7 A Squid Since: Apr, 2015 Relationship Status: Healthy, deeply-felt respect for this here Shotgun

A Squid

#21: Feb 20th 2019 at 5:48:48 AM

Walker tilted his head slightly. "No need for flattery. I'm just a man on a mission. I'm sure our goals will coincide in any case." He sheathed his longsword, shooting one last look at the 'heroes' before turning his gaze back to Mikael.

"Well, if we're not going to do anything here, maybe we should retire to some place... farther away from these people. I'd love to hear more about these resources of yours. I don't have much of my own - yet - but I really just got here, so I'm sure that will change."

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you? You're no metahuman, and you're certainly not a regular human." He neglected to mention the fact that he could probably take a hunch at what the 'choice spirit' was if the Pioneers had dealt with something similar on their planets. He just needed more details.

MichaelDj54 Up on Melancholy hill. from North of Normal, West of Weird Since: Mar, 2010

Up on Melancholy hill.

#22: Feb 20th 2019 at 6:10:41 AM

Mason Bridges

"...Ah, yeah." he said after a pause and a nod of his head, wisely at that as his hand came to his chin. "I completely totally understand. I've been at the epicenter of "some sh*t" myself. But never you worry, my new friend! We just have to take that which has happened and make it better! So no matter how bad it may be, you and I are still heroes, no matter how many times they may try to kick you while you're down! Or something! I'm still incredibly new at this and may be overthinking it!"

So with another shrug of his shoulder he said, "The important thing is you're trying again and obviously want to make up for the event. And that's all that matters."

Even though he had no idea exactly what that was.

...Pointers though, would be good. He obviously wasn't going to get anywhere being loud and bombastic. Much as he would have wanted to.

"Well, I suppose there's always room for improvement..." he said, loud enough to make it seem like he was mumbling when he actually really, really wasn't.

Is it selfish that I'm happy as we pass the setting sun?

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#23: Feb 20th 2019 at 10:38:53 AM

Convenience Store

Ah, so that was it. They really did do things differently here, didn't they? Back home they would've just beat the sh*t out of them and left them for dead. Which was no less then they deserved.

In any case, upon hearing Goldrush's offers for 'pointers', she at first thought about telling him to stuff it before remembering that there were a good many things she still didn't understand. Such as money. "Yeah, sure. You know how money works? Cause I am really damn hungry but apparently you can't just take a hunk of meat off the stand because the last time I did that the store owner chased me down for only the Jade Emperor knows how long. So if I wanna eat I need money. Got any money?"

Enirboreh AKA Nixer from the domain of infinite floof. Since: Jul, 2015 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

AKA Nixer

#24: Feb 20th 2019 at 11:02:41 AM

Goldrush – Convenience Store

Daniel blinked. Again.

He got the feeling he'd be doing that a lot around her.

“...Right. Well, for that you'd probably need to get a job. Either something normal or in the hero business. Like get hired professionally. I'm a freelancer, personally—I'm a programmer on the side. As for that other thing, well... I'll tell ya what. It's late out now, and I'm pretty starving too. What say we go out somewhere and I get you somethin'? You could see how it's done then. I'd rather know you got something to eat before night falls, y'know? If you get it wrong somehow that could be it 'til morning,” he shrugged. “And besides, better to have someone help you get your footing in someplace new. No shame in that. So whaddya say? Offer extends to all of you guys too, by the way. As a job well done and all that. My treat,” he called out to the others.


kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#25: Feb 20th 2019 at 1:46:26 PM

Convienence Store

Su was ecstatic. "You mean I can get money for beating people up? f*ck yeah! Anyway, long as I get some grub, I'm game. Lead the way!"


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.