Wikileaks Cables Suggest The Existence of Extraterrestrial Life (2024)

As you all should realize by now, and as some of us have long known, there is no point arguing religion with the religionists. Too many of them are hidebound and cannot fathom anything outside their bibles, although when it comes to intepreting the latter they are only to operate in a very closed `flatland’ of circular logic. There is no originality in their thinking, as they have never been able to make more sense out of the myths, stories and wonderful symbolisms of the ancients … and the latter is not surprising since they have long lacked the Keys for proper interpretation. Instead, with each new generation there is actually a little bit more meaning lost, until you find those who speak and thrash about the loudest about Jesus, behaving most unChristlike and proving what the rest of the world already knows: That the days of Churchianity are numbered. This is a harsh reality for some, but most of all for those who are being manipulated by dark technologies, and whose narrow-mindedness or SHEEPLE tendencies (as they are often called) are being exploited by those with a fear, control & xenophobia-producing agenda. The latter are what is being discussed in this article, NOT the direct threat to the stuporstitions of yesteryear, although yes folks, obviously it is time to get rid of `Whitie, the imaginary God of your little cloudlands, intervening whenever your human whim asks him to, as if this was some ridiculous holy war to see how many monkeys we could put in a box, hand a bible and convince to babble some vain repetitions to hopefully outnumber the *prayers* of the infidels.’ No, there is no such GOD, any more than your Jesus-trumps-all-other-Divine-embodiments imaginary playmate ever existed or will ever exist. But you are a fool if you can’t see that your ignorance, your small-mindedness, and every one of your little religiously-fueled holy wars and pet xenophobic fears is being exploited and stoked, just to get you to fight amongst yourselves … and to fear the INEVITABLE.

The problem is, you Christian sapsuckers are exactly the SHEEP that the so-called Men in Black really need. They will march you right off the cliff, if ever you pause for a second to wonder why the Jesus-Lead-Lemming is still corralling you around in circles but never revealing more than the same-old-same-old, `We’re saved but everyone else is hopelessly damned to eternal torment’ byline … and if you don’t think tapping the same idiocy in Muslim fanaticism is part of the ploy, you still ain’t gettin’ this technique, Cochise. Yes, I’m saying the religious holy wars that you idiots-in-making are all beating each other up over are pretty well part of the plot, but you just ain’t yet tapped in well enough, or chased Alice’s rabbit quite far enough down the rabbit-hole to figure that out.

Do I know Jesus? Yes, well enough, and the Christ as well … plenty of Those sorts, but it’s nothing that would make sense to anyone who’s yet posted here, save those who are already able to accept that ET is here to help. Our planet is Quarantined, geniuses. We are well known in this part of the galaxy for being backwards, panicky, short-sighted, at war with ourselves, thus tremendously dangerous given our development of nukes, and thus also a very REAL THREAT to other ET civilizations. Some folks understand that ET isn’t just interstellar, they are interplanetary, and we need not leave our own system to discover other Intelligent life … IF and when we more accurately understand the EM bandwidths, or wavelengths upon which ET communicates. There will be discoveries revealing more from a scientific standpoint about the `thought-band’ and even levels of consciousness transcendent of Mind altogether, and some of these same discoveries will show that ET has been `TALKING’ with us for a long, VERY long time. Yet who’s been listening?

The same award-winning wonder-turds who scream loudest about Jayzuz, Jayzuz, Jayzuz, yet have never heard ONE simple, clear, unadulterated transmission by way of reply FROM said Jesus? Or from the Lord of Lords, the Christ? Yeah right. The Christians who just thump-thump-thump, prove their inability to think – much less to think on their own and for themselves, inclusively, as the man himself indicated [John 10:16]. They, most of them, do not even realize that in 1899, the Piscean energies which fuel[ed] their radicalism and unthinking fanaticism, their blind, zealous idealism, began short-circuiting. It’s a 26-thousand year zodiacal wheel, and your sign is UP. This is Aquarius now, and we’ll move along just fine without being reminded every day how your own insecurities somehow translate into your scary-man-in-the-sky syndrome spells out our eternal damnation, where clearly you won’t have to learn anything more about your universe, your planet, human nature, the true road to Salvation (yes, I said it) or what the heck any of us, and this Cosmos, is doing here to begin with!

Aquarius is about GROUP work, and group awareness, and the Human Family AS A GROUP is finally beginning to wake up to the simple, obvious truth that WE ARE NOT ALONE in the Cosmos. Research exoplanets, the `Goldilocks’ zone and a few other discoveries that modern science is showing … such as quantum entanglement, which I cannot claim to have mastered, but which most of us can increasingly Intuit as a principle in Nature, save those who have actually already created their own, tiny little shared hell-experience amongst and between themselves, and who have thus concretized their own greatest fears and fanatical expectations when it comes to hell-existence, and the suffering of life-without-Deity. You betcha, if you believe in that crap long enough, hard enough, you can ensure your spot in a continued conflict where those with technologies you wouldn’t even BEGIN to understand or imagine are still trying to pit you ijits one against another, even just on a discussion thread appended to such an article as this, but far worse, between your whole damn misunderstood, high’n’mighty `religion’ (as you insist on calling it) … and your neighbors – often FAR, far more enlightened when it comes to discussing stellar matters, or the heavens and their exploration – the Muslims.

Yep. Stars often have the Arabic name, hailing back to their discoveries or designation provided by the MUSLIMS. Oh dear, let’s go have an emergency prayer-session and try to figure out this one out, for surely something ominous must be behind it all. The Muslims, naming stars? Oh but, wait, that was what God said we couldn’t do, was look to the stars for guidance or – even DREAM of these things like astrolatry and astrology, as even astronomy scares the willies out of us Bible-thumping types. No wait, stop telling me that my Bible is just FULL of star-references, providing all the Wisdom of the ancients when it comes to the “sweet influences of the Pleiades” or how in Job I am told, “He made the constellations Ursa Major, Orion, and the Pleiades, and the clusters of stars in the south.” Surely that’s just commentary, and none of these systems is inhabited. NO, no, no, please let me keep my head under the sand just a little longer … till I die, and my family dies, and until we’re all safely in Heaven and with Jeeeeeeeeber-Zeus, while all the little misfits go running, screaming around worried about aliens, and see what fools they were not to run off the cliff with the rest of us lemmings. Hey, we may be running around with no clue what we’re doing, but at least we still got that CLIFF.

No, there is not much point getting sidetracked, but if you must, at least look in the mirror honestly. Meanwhile, your friends and brothers – some of whom have TALKED with ET, or had rapports via the same telepathy which is available human-to-human – are doing all they can to help this planet move safely and swiftly toward a truly SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY, thanks to the work of folks like Dr. Steven Greer and the many, MANY civilian, military and other witnesses of the Disclosure Project. Meanwhile, there are DOZENS of groups of Esotericists the world over, many of them deeply rooted in and founded upon the Tradition of the Ageless Wisdom, where as a rule we do not denigrate or ridicule people of other religions, or the Majesty of those Faith Traditions, much less those who Founded them as legitimate avenues of Human Enlightenment and world betterment. But of course, when you show yourselves as the lost causes you have truly become, it is sometimes useful to point out that your madness, your clamor and your claptrap religiosity is nothing, not a CANDLE to the true Christianity of the Ancients, as even Augustine reminds you that Xianity existed BEFORE CHRIST. Or were you paying attention to the some of the inconvenient information that got passed around during one of those confirmation classes you really didn’t understand?

Dammit, I would go out of my way to defend the KERNEL of Truth, even in modern Christianity, and I want to emphasize, again, that it’s not really you freaks who we are worried about, those with thinking capacity – and with a message to get across, or a dog in this fight. It’s the dickhe*ds behind the scenes, some working from astral or lower mental levels, this making them either witting or unwitting black magicians, or else the close-enough to real-world dupes & agents thereof, who are MANIPULATING you poor sots. It’s those who KNOW they have you running and screaming who are hellbent on hellish agendas that you really CAN understand, if you stop and think about it, who have the most to gain from attempting to unite the small-minded and extremists in this world AGAINST other Humanities, people from other planet, because by doing this, they perpetuate (or THINK they can perpetuate) our OWN Humanity’s petty squabbles, to the tune of TRILLIONS upon Quadrillions of $$$ every year, a power structure remaining in place and tightening up, ALL of this with guess-who coming out “on top” – and with everything to gain?

DOH! I mean, WHAT are you poor folks going to do as you start to realize (some do, yes) that our planet hasn’t had a need to burn fossil fuel for over half a century? We already KNOW the solution to the energy crisis/crises, and the technology is HERE, NOW, hidden and secreted, kept “safe and secure” NOT because it is a national security threat (not the part I’m talking about), but because it would END the petro-fascism that keeps BIG OIL in power. You stupid, poor little ignorant Jesus-freaks. Your petty SQUABBLES, splinter-group to splinter-group, is what keeps these WAR-MONGERS smiling and raking in the bucks. They are the biggest muck-rakers of all, yet you only serve as one vital little link in their chain, in their plans. And they do not even number so very many, as we are discovering. A few dozen, PERHAPS, who really know the kinds of things that deserve to be shared with our President, our Congress, our scientists and the U.N. Yes, if you would have HOPE in very POWERS and Forces which have LONG SOUGHT TO UNITE HUMANITY, you might prove your Faith in Christ as being worth something. But you lack that Faith, and instead, congregate as sheep to feel better about your insecurities. I call your bluff, because I have lived with it for 2100 years and more, and since ancient Egypt (which is really NOT ancient, compared with a far more glorious and much OLDER Egypt) nearly two millennia before that. I know your game, I am Piscean enough to “feel you” (Meg asked, “You feel me, Brian? Do you FEEL me? Ha)

But hey, what do I know. Just another lone wolf, wondering why sheep go running, and often remembering that it’s precisely because they ARE – *** SHEEP ***. You fear change. You fear the new. You fear damn near everything that isn’t already nailed down in your tiny little worlds of “this is the way it was.” But I would root for you ALL DAY and ALL YEAR if you would prove to me some of the Christ Spirit somehow is beginning to stir within your hearts. SHOW ME that you can make sense out of Christ’s words to us as He sent us forth:

Be ye WISE, as Serpents …
… and Harmless, as Doves.

Either embrace the Inclusivity, the Compassion and the Brotherly, Agape-Love (I mean it as I type it),
PLUS demonstrate that you are Intelligent and Adaptable enought to roll with the punches and the times …

… or your `faith,’ your tradition, your practice … is essentially dead, blind repetition, pointless and in fact, entirely DISempowering. I assure you, all of this is the exact opposite of what the Christ would have of us.

You cannot safely toss out the baby with the bathwater. But if you’re going to refuse to wash the baby, no wonder people want nothing to do with a dirty-old, smelly pile of goo over here, which is related to that baby only in the sense that is was once caked or heaped upon Him … by result of the same processes of WILLING incarnation as will pertain to us all, even in our most advanced future lives (or incarnations).

You can wake up to the facts slowly, as is recommended, and especially does this pertain to religions and religionists … the most devout or outspoken proponents of the religious way. Today is a Glorious S*n-Day, yet I know something of the meaning of this designation, and I understand that the same STAR which gives its heat, light and Vital Essence [Prana, Chi, etc.] for us on a daily basis IS THE CHRISTIAN GOD. ET is also well aware of this, as in the times of most former religious awakenings such a fact was well-known, accepted and honored … as this `G*d’ was openly worshipped. We may no longer have a state religion, but what we do have in exchange – in the U.S. – is the ability, Thank Goodness, for all to come, in time and in their OWN WAY OF SPIRITUAL or Religious Approach (or none, during times of soul-searching agnosticism, or temporary renunciation – aka, atheism) … to the One Truth.

You cannot honestly pretend to post here, anything at all about your `Jesus,’ and expect to outdo me, trump what I have to say, or otherwise enlighten me. You may surprise me, one way or the other, but I have already forgotten more about the Nazarene, the Galilean Master … and also the Christ Himself … than most of you will ever learn in this, or several future lifetimes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m plenty modest about it all, but what I’d have you also consider is that I also know far, far more than most of you will ever learn – in the rest of the present incarnation. Much of what I know about how we routinely attack – and sometimes `down’ – UFOs in the United States, I wish I did not know. I wish it were not true. But it is. We murder these visitors, returning them to the astral and mental states against their own Souls’ intentions, and technically this does constitute a degree and type of Interplanetary, Interstellar War. It is only because of something you will come to understand, called the Law of Sacrifice, that such insanity is allowed to prevail. It is temporary, yet the evil and the ignorance, the Nescience and foolishness of the few is offset by the Cooperation of the very Highest Powers – Spiritually speaking – and these labor in a united effort for something the average Christian has seldom been able to even fathom. They work toward PLANETARY LIBERATION, and this is for every life, every human being, EVERY cell, and every ATOM of evolving Life … in Cosmos, ultimately, and in our Star System, for ALL Life is Interconnected, and ONE. In the smaller cycle, this is for the Good of the Planet Gaia, her collective Family, for all of the animal, vegetable and mineral life, and for the several KINGDOMS of life beyond the Human – of which Christ spoke, even telling the Insightful among us how to recognize the same, and reminding us that such Kingdoms are here NOW, already.

Oh, would that even .03% of you might understand … and then that even .3% of these would see the true picture as it is. There is much, much danger in what the FEW are doing, at this point, to mislead the untold multitudes. They are the true wolves, and this is why the veritable sheep (non-pejoratively speaking) are in danger. But the latter are no more the Christians, in particular, than enlightenment is endemic or unique to the Christian among all of the world’s many Faiths. The very danger is in the separativeness, the attitudes of racial and religious supremacy, and in the familiar message that “war is just the way of the world, so we must always choose our enemies wisely,” or other such nonsense – as engineered by Satan as any lie ever was.

Satan is the collective human mind in its negative aspect, yet the MIND ITSELF is a Gift of the Divine, and it is the FIRST place where you will have your first, true experiences of, with and yes, AS GOD. We ARE truly Gods in the making. But it is a slow, gradual road of approach, and no wonder it takes aeons and vast, untold periods before your life, and YOUR VERY AURA is capable of being compared with that of the Being in your own BIBLES … “In Whom WE live, and move, and have OUR being.” Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear. What shall we ever do once we begin to realize that the planet, just as you, has its own physical vehicle, to which it is bound via incarnation, and that eventually – LONG ages from now – IT too, the Planetary Logos, shall take leave of this form of expression and move on to other spheres of evolution? And what shall we make of the realization that, as per UNIVERSAL LAW – Cause and Effect, including Rebirth, as applies to ALL else in Nature – yes, that same Planetary Being shall return to incarnation in what shall be a “New Heaven and a New Earth”?

Folks, the average Xian knows about as much about this as I know about rocket surgery. And that ain’t a lot.

But what we CAN ALL FOCUS ON, and what will help, is the realization (and Hope, until this too starts to dawn for you) that just as there as tiny, important little cells in OUR body collective called BRAIN cells, which form the vitally-useful central nervous system of OUR tiny microcosm, so too in the Greater Being which is our Planetary Being’s physical body, WE are the brain cells, the THINKING portion of that vehicle, and thus the literal, TANGIBLE Hope and Promise of a brighter tomorrow … and a future in which our Interplanetary and Interstellar Neighbors (Benevolent and helpful) are as well known to us, OBJECTIVELY, as I know half of you out there already (even without even seeing you, doh!), and the other half, because I have either met you in the distant past, or will meet you someday, in our collective future.

Yeah yeah yeah, now either USE what you know … or Lose it. Trust me; I know how it goes.

Amen, or OM
& Namaskar

Wikileaks Cables Suggest The Existence of Extraterrestrial Life (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.